
11th Annual ALL DIGITAL summit



The 11th annual ALL DIGITAL Summit “Digital Journey: From Inclusion to Empowerment” will take place in Brussels on 18-19 October 2018. A very interesting programme has been put together by the organizers, including:

  • Four stimulating keynote lectures
  • A plenary session on “How can digital storytelling boost social inclusion?”
  • Five parallel interactive breakout sessions: Stops on a digital journey
  • Five parallel how-to workshops
  • A session on global citizenship education and media literacy and the role of digital technologies in teaching it
  • Stimulating projects lightning talks

In parallel, a Project Fair will give participants the opportunity to get in touch with the AD members and be informed of their projects and activities.

The ALL DIGITAL Annual Awards ceremony will be held in Brussels on the evening of 18 October 2018. The awards recognize AD members’ excellence in the following categories:

  • Best e-facilitator
  • Best digital changemaker
  • Best cooperation project
  • Best digital resource
  • BRIGHTS Awards: Best digital story on global citizenship

Watch the video, learn more and register for the Summit to join 200 other delegates working to enhance digital skills across Europe.

How to workshops

The “How To” workshops will take place on Day 1 of the Summit. They are designed to give delegates a practical understanding of how to carry out a particular activity. Our speakers have experience that could help delegates to understand the pitfalls, practicalities and lessons they may have learned.

The DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University is organizing two workshops:

#2. How to create a mini-MOOC

Bill Vassiliadis, DAISSY Research Group of Hellenic Open University

In this workshop, participants will design, develop and publish elements of their own mini-MOOC (short duration Massive Open Online Course). You will learn about current MOOC trends, design and development challenges and distance learning quality issues.

Hands-on activities will guide you through the various steps of:

  1. MOOC-Analysis: identify and describe requirements, demands and constraints
  2. MOOC-Design: conceptualise and design the MOOC including the basics of instructional and pedagogical design
  3. MOOC-Implementation: implement a mini-MOOC draft using an on-line platform and finalize it through testing.

This workshop is suitable for all levels of experience with e-learning, whether your organisation already uses e-learning solutions or is just interested in how that might be possible. The range of case studies introduced will help participants see ways in which mini-MOOCs can be used in a range of contexts to promote learning and knowledge dissemination.

This workshop is supported by and is based on the experience of the BRIGHTS project.

#5. How to promote STEM education and training with Mobile and Internet of Things technologies

Achilles Kameas, Theodore Panagiotakopoulos, DAISSy research group, Hellenic Open University & Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus”

Mobile technologies and the Internet of Things promise to revolutionize our everyday life. But are the citizens of our society prepared to reap the benefits of these technological and scientific advances? How can we facilitate digital transformation, so as to ensure inclusion in the forthcoming digital society?

STEM education offers a holistic educational approach that facilitates understanding of scientific knowledge and leads to the development of digital and 21st century skills. E-facilitators have to become STEM educators / trainers in order to play a key role in facilitating the digital transformation.

This workshop will offer a methodology for implementing STEM educational activities using UMI (Ubiquitous, Mobile, Internet of Things) technologies, together with tools and good practices. A holistic view of UMI technologies and their potential uses in closing the next generation digital gap will be presented. The UMI-Sci-Ed methodology will be introduced, together with examples from its application in different settings. Participation in the developing Communities of Practice activities will be offered using the UMI-Sci-Ed online collaboration platform.

The workshop will conclude with a discussion on prospective future collaborations in projects that would lead to the development of STEM education / training activities tailored to the needs of different groups of citizens.

This workshop is supported by the H2020 UMI-Sci-Ed project.


IDIW2018 Webinar



International Digital Inclusion Week (IDIW) aims to increase awareness and commitment to digital inclusion, create opportunities for national focus, promote international engagement and learning, and act as a catalyst to build an enduring coalition of national digital inclusion alliances and international efforts to create global momentum towards a fully digitally included world. In an effort to increase digital equity awareness globally, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance and the Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance are co-organizing International Digital Inclusion Week for October 15-21, 2018. The week will include increasing awareness through social media and a global video panel of digital inclusion practitioners.

IDIW 2018 includes an online panel discussion. The four panelists represent a variety of digital inclusion activities. The panel will highlight our similarities, challenges and differences, and offers the opportunity for international information exchange. This your chance to ask questions of digital inclusion practitioners from four different countries!

Panelists and facilitators’ bios are posted here.

The webinar is free. Registration is required!


Ημερίδα για την Διαγενεακή Μάθηση (Intergenerational Learning)

Απευθύνεται σε εργαζόμενους στην προσχολική εκπαίδευση, δασκάλους Α/βάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, λειτουργούς και εθελοντές που εργάζονται με ηλικιωμένους, εργαζόμενους στην ανάπτυξη κοινοτήτων και, γενικότερα, σε φορείς εκπαίδευσης και χάραξης πολιτικής και φορείς της κοινωνίας των πολιτών.

Κατά τη διάρκεια της Hμερίδας θα γίνει παρουσίαση του έργου TOY PLUS (Erasmus+/KA2) και των αποτελεσμάτων του. Επιπλέον, θα παρουσιαστεί το Μαζικό Ανοικτό Διαδικτυακό Μάθημα (MOOC) με τίτλο Together Old and Young: An Intergenerational Approach, το οποίο αναπτύχθηκε από την ομάδα DAISSy και τους εταίρους του έργου, και θα είναι διαθέσιμο στις 15 Οκτωβρίου 2018.

Η συμμετοχή στην εκδήλωση είναι δωρεάν. Στους συμμετέχοντες θα απονεμηθούν βεβαιώσεις παρακολούθησης.

Πληροφορίες για το έργο ΤΟΥ+ θα βρείτε εδώ.

Πληροφορίες για το Μαζικό Ανοικτό Διαδικτυακό Μάθημα θα βρείτε εδώ.

Μπορείτε να δείτε εδώ το πρόγραμμα της Ημερίδας.


Project UMI-Sci-Ed as a good practice in promoting STEM education and research in the classroom

The 14th Scientix Projects’ Networking Event (SPNE) was held at TECHNOPOLIS in Athens, Greece, on 5 September 2018. SPNE14 brought together 30 participants, among them experts, researchers, teachers, policy makers and representatives of organisations working on the topic of “Research into the classroom“.

Prof. Achilles Kameas, Head of DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University and Vice Chair of ALL DIGITAL Board, presented project UMI-Sci-Ed (http://umi-sci-ed.eu/) as a good practice in promoting STEM Education in the classroom using Mobile and IoT technologies.

During the second half, a three-stage participatory activity was organized, during which participants discussed the importance of science outreach programmes in dispelling negative stereotypes associated with science and research and produce a draft of recommendations of follow up actions on bridging research and classroom practice. The results of the discussion will be published in a Scientix Observatory article co-authored by all participants, that will be available here: http://scientix.eu/observatory

Read more about this event here!



Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Scientix για την εκπαίδευση STEM

a2poster-ellakΟ Οργανισμός Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών ΕΕΛΛΑΚ , η Πανελλήνια Ένωση Υπευθύνων ΕΚΦΕ(ΠΑΝΕΚΦΕ) σε συνεργασία με το European SchoolNet διοργανώνουν το  Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Scientix για την εκπαίδευση STEM στις  3 & 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018 στο Ε.Μ.Π. στην Πολυτεχνειούπολη Ζωγράφου.

Το Scientix (www.scientix.eu) είναι ένα Ευρωπαϊκό έργο που υποστηρίζεται από το European SchoolNet (www.eun.org) με σκοπό την ενίσχυση της εκπαίδευσης STEM στα Ευρωπαϊκά Εκπαιδευτικά Συστήματα. Στην Ελλάδα, ο Οργανισμός Ανοικτών Τεχνολογιών(ΕΕΛΛΑΚ), υποστηρίζει το έργο σε εθνικό επίπεδο.

Σκοπός του συνεδρίου είναι η ανάδειξη καινοτόμων εκπαιδευτικών πρακτικών από την Εκπαίδευση Φυσικών Επιστημών, Τεχνολογίας, Μηχανικής Μαθηματικών και Πληροφορικής έτσι όπως σταδιακά διαμορφώνονται στη σύγχρονη σχολική πραγματικότητα.

Στο πλαίσιο του συνεδρίου θα πραγματοποιηθούν πάνω 60 ομιλίες και 16 εργαστήρια από ακαδημαϊκούς και εκπαιδευτικούς σε θέματα όπως:

  • Εκπαιδευτική Ρομποτική
  • Εκπαιδευτική Καινοτομία
  • Εκπαιδευτική Πολιτική και STEM
  • Παρουσιάσεις καινοτόμων εκπαιδευτικών πρακτικών από την Εκπαίδευση Φυσικών Επιστημών, Τεχνολογίας, Μηχανικής και Μαθηματικών (STEM)
  • Σενάρια διδασκαλίας μαθημάτων με την αξιοποίηση καινοτόμων εκπαιδευτικών πρακτικών από την Εκπαίδευση Φυσικών Επιστημών, Τεχνολογίας, Μηχανικής και Μαθηματικών (STEM)
  • Αξιοποίηση των καινοτόμων εκπαιδευτικών πρακτικών από την Εκπαίδευση Φυσικών Επιστημών, Τεχνολογίας, Μηχανικής και Μαθηματικών (STEM) στη διδασκαλία μαθημάτων στην Πρωτοβάθμια και Δευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση.
  • Εκπαιδευτικά Λογισμικά STEM
  • Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό (ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ) και καινοτόμες εκπαιδευτικές πρακτικές από την Εκπαίδευση Φυσικών Επιστημών, Τεχνολογίας, Μηχανικής Μαθηματικών και Πληροφορικής.

Για την παρακολούθηση του συνεδρίου απαιτείται  εγγραφή στο https://scientix.ellak.gr/engrafes/

Οι ομιλίες του συνεδρίου θα μεταδοθούν μέσω live streaming από την υπηρεσία βίντεο του Πανελλήνιου Σχολικού Δικτύου

Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε ο αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου εδώ.



Using videogames in teaching – workshop at Greek Scientix Conference on STEM Education

v4t-logoProject V4T (Videogames for Teachers) aims to promote the use of videogames and mobile apps as additional tools in the teaching process. The project aspires to provide teachers with the necessary skills and competences to integrate and use effectively videogames/apps in education.

A workshop on using videogames in teaching will be organized on September 3, 2018, from 18.30 to 20.00, in the context of the National Scientix Conference on STEM Education that will take place at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) premises in Zografou. The workshop is organized by the DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University and is addressed mainly to teachers in primary and secondary education and educators in general.

During the workshop, the online repository of the videogames and mobile apps, that are most suitable for education, will be presented. For each game/application included in the repository, detailed assessment of its features and services and possible ways to use it with students, are included. Educators attending the workshop will be able to connect to the online repository and comment on any of the reviews they want by submitting their own personal experience or opinion.

Participation in the V4T workshop is free, but requires online registration to the Scientix conference at https://scientix.ellak.gr/. More information about the workshop can be found at https://scientix.ellak.gr/events/v4t-videogames-for-teachers/. Note that it would be useful to bring a laptop or smart phone.

The V4T project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Program, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education. For more information about the project, you can visit https://v4t.pixel-online.org/index.php or send an inquiry to the address info@daissy.eap.gr.


IoT in STEM education – workshop at Greek Scientix Conference on STEM Education

Project UMI-Sci-Ed aims to exploit cutting-edge technologies such as UMI technologies (Mobile Computing, Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things) to promote science education. More specifically, it aims to encourage young people to think creatively in a constantly competitive and demanding working environment. At the same time, through an entrepreneurial and multidisciplinary effort, it aims to increase incentives for young boys and girls aged 14-16 to engage in science and enhance the prospects for career choices in the UMI technology areas.

A workshop on using IoT to support education will be organized on September 4, 2018, from 11.00 to 12.30, in the context of the National Scientix Conference on STEM Education that will take place at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) premises in Zografou. The workshop is organized by the DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University and is addressed mainly to teachers in primary and secondary education and educators in general.

Participants in the UMI workshop will be granted access to the UMI-Sci-Ed online platform and will be trained in using its services. The platform hosts the STEM education scenarios that have been developed by project partners, together with guidelines on how to apply them in the classroom. At the same time, it facilitates discussions among teachers and UMI researchers.

Moreover, a demonstration of the UDOO IoT platform and its capabilities will be given through the implementation of a STEM education scenario that measures distance using ultra sound. The required hardware will be provided by the workshop organizers.

Participation in the UMI workshop is free, but requires online registration to the Scientix conference at https://scientix.ellak.gr/. More information about the workshop can be found at https://scientix.ellak.gr/events/to-diadiktio-ton-pragmaton-stin-ipiresia-tis-ekpedefsis-i-ekpedeftiki-platforma-umi-sci-ed/. Note that it would be useful to bring a laptop.

The UMI-Sci-Ed project is funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Program. For more information about the project, you can visit http://www.umi-sci-ed.eu/ or send an inquiry to the address info@daissy.eap.gr.


Promotion of projects BRIGHTS, MuSA, WEMIN and DCDS at the “Spoudase” Festival

“Spoudase” Festival, the biggest festival for all levels of Education in Greece, was organized for the second consecutive year at the Technopolis of the City of Athens on 19 & 20 May 2018.

The Festival hosted more than 300 participants from all levels of education, which communicated and presented programs, activities and exhibits related to Education, Training, Innovation, Science and Technology. It was a major event, during which visitors got acquainted with educational and scientific courses linking education, skills, training and lifelong learning with career, creativity, growth, entrepreneurship and, in general, production and labor market needs. More than 70 schools were hosted at the Festival and presented their activities in sciences and new technologies. In addition to the booths and stands, more than 200 workshops and seminars were held free of charge by leading scientists, institutions, universities and market executives.

The DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University participated in the “Spoudase” Festival with its own booth, promoting its research activities and projects. Four big screens were set up, each displaying videos about the DAISSy group, the various projects that the group participates in and their products.

One of the screens was dedicated to the promotion of the MOOC on “Promoting Global Citizenship Education using Digital Storytelling” that was produced in the context of project BRIGHTS. A specially created video based on the MOOC content was playing constantly on the screen, enhanced with slides promoting BRIGHTS project outcomes. Also, Projects MuSAWEMIN and DCDS  were promoted within a specially created short video showcasing all DAISSy projects that was being constantly played on one of the screens.

Thanks to its central location, the DAISSy booth attracted more than 500 visitors, all of whom expressed their interest in the projects.


WEMIN partners meeting at the Council of Europe

ALDA’s office within the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, hosted the second meeting of the steering committee of the project WEMIN on 9-10 July 2018.

WEMIN, funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union, stands for “Migrant Women Empowerment and Integration”. Over two years, it puts together 9 partners from 8 EU countries to implement and promote a pioneering integration model for migrant/refugee women of all ages in the communities involved.

Funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union, the 2-year project aims at implementing and promoting a pioneering integration model for migrant/refugee women of all ages in the communities involved.

Very soon activities will be put in place to recruit migrant and refugee women, as well as local women from the communities, interested to take part in the project. They will benefit from training, including language training, mentoring sessions, peer learning and art activities – many occasion to stimulate dialogue, intercultural relations and exchanges. An online platform will also be used to foster peer-learning and exchange.

Follow #WEMIN on social media



Ποιότητα στην Ανοικτή Μαζική Διαδικτυακή Εκπαίδευση

Ο ΕΛΟΤ και το Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, ερευνητική ομάδα DAISSy, διοργανώνουν εκδήλωση με τίτλο “Ποιότητα στην Ανοικτή Μαζική Διαδικτυακή Εκπαίδευση”, την Παρασκευή 13 Ιουλίου 2018 και ώρα 10:00 έως 17:00, στο Παράρτημα του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου, Γραβιάς 4-6, Αθήνα.

Σκοπός της εκδήλωσης είναι η παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων έρευνας με διεθνή συμμετοχή για την ποιότητα των  Ανοικτών Μαζικών Διαδικτυακών Μαθημάτων (Massive Online Open Courses – MOOCs) και η διαβούλευση με την κοινότητα ερευνητών και ενδιαφερομένων για το σχεδιασμό ενός Ευρωπαϊκού Πλαισίου Αναφοράς Ποιότητας (Quality Reference Framework – QRF) που αποσκοπεί στην αξιολόγηση, τη διασφάλιση ποιότητας και τη βελτίωση της αποτελεσματικότητας των μαθησιακών εμπειριών στο πλαίσιο της ανοικτής ηλεκτρονικής εκπαίδευσης.

Η έρευνα διεξήχθη στο πλαίσιο του έργου MOOQ.

Το πρόγραμμα της εκδήλωσης είναι διαθέσιμο εδώ.

Η συμμετοχή στην εκδήλωση είναι δωρεάν, αλλά απαιτείται εγγραφή στη σελίδα εδώ!

Η είσοδος είναι ελεύθερη. Θα δοθούν βεβαιώσεις συμμετοχής.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα http://daissy.eap.gr ή στη διεύθυνση info@daissy.eap.gr