
Participation of DAISSy-HOU in the 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting of OpenDCO Project

OpenDCO-p1The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) participated in the 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM) of the European project “OpenDCO-Open Data City Officer” that that took place on July 6 and 7, 2023 in Guimaraes, Portugal. The activities were carried out on-site at the facilities of the University of Minho. The OpenDCO project aims to develop a professional profile focused on open data of smart cities at a European level, as well as a modular curriculum covering all the different aspects of an Open Data City Officer (OpenDCO) job role.

During the two-day TPM, partners had the opportunity to discuss the open data dimensions of smart cities and the competences required to effectively address them. In this context, the self-assessment tool for OpenDCOs aiming to identify potential competence gaps and propose alternative learning paths to fill them was presented. In addition, the partners discussed issues concerning curriculum design, development of educational materials, and pilot offering of the OpenDCO project’s educational program. Subsequently, horizontal issues of the project regarding the exploitation and promotion of the results, as well as its management, were discussed.

The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, Greek partner of OpenDCO, participated in the 2nd TPM and was represented by Dr. Fotis Lazarinis, DAISSy Researcher, who presented the pilot delivery plan of the OpenDCO educational program. DAISSy-HOU participates in all work packages, being responsible for the implementation of the e-learning platform and the coordination of the pilot training program of the project through the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

The OpenDCO is a two-year project funded by the European framework ERASMUS+ and implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from four (4) European Union member-states (Greece, Portugal, Cyprus and Germany), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek partner.

For more information on the OpenDCO project, and other activities of DAISSy:


The DAISSy research group of HOU organized with success in Athens the 2nd international partners’ meeting and the train the trainers activity of the ADA project

ada-2ndprWith success, the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) organized the 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM) and the train the trainers activity that that took place on June 8 and 9, 2023 in Athens (Greece). The activities were carried out on-site and were hosted at the facilities of the Hellenic Open University (HOU). They were implemented within the framework of the European project “ADA-All Digital Academy”, which aims at supporting adult educators and trainers by offering up-skilling training activities on emerging technologies, focusing on Ιnternet οf Τhings (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The main purpose of ADA is to support teachers and learning centers, so that they acquire and/or strengthen their skills regarding the organization and the provision of IoT and AI courses as well learning experiences to adult learners.

The first day of the sessions was dedicated to the 2nd TPM and started by discussing issues related to the management and the coordination of the OpenDCO project. Then, the self-assessment tool on the digital competences related to IoT and AI was presented and the work progress of the online courses offered by the project in the form of Massive Open Online Courses, was discussed. In addition, the process of the pilot offering of the above courses was analyzed, emphasizing on the duties and responsibilities of the trainers. In addition, the organization and the program of the online seminars offered by the project, the evaluation process of the tools and the educational activities, as well as issues of promotion and dissemination of its results, were discussed.

The second day of the sessions focused on the training of the trainers. At the beginning, the profile of the two courses was presented by describing their objectives, structure, content and program, among other issues. Then, the content of the courses was presented in detail, where the teaching and the assessment material as well as the structure and the role of the learning modules of each course, were analyzed.

The DAISSy Research Group of the-HOU, the Greek partner of ADA and the host of the meeting, was represented by Dr. Theodoros Panagiotakopoulos, DAISSy Project Manager and Researcher, who during the 2nd TPM presented the project’s self-assessment tool and e-learning platform (which were developed by DAISSy-HOU), as well as the pilot delivery plan of the ADA courses. Furthermore, during the train the trainers activity, he presented the outline of the IoT and AI courses, as well as the content of the IoT course.

The ADA project has a duration of 30 months, is funded by the European framework ERASMUS+ and is implemented by a consortium of three (3) partners from three (3) European Union member-states (Greece, Belgium and Italy), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek partner.

For more information on the ADA project, and other activities of DAISSy:


The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University invites you to take part in the Summer School on “Digital Collection Curator for Archaeology”

digitarch-frThe Department of History and Culture of the University of Bologna (Italy), under the scientific responsibility of Professor Antonella Coralini and with the collaboration of the Civic Museums of Modena and Emilia Romagna, organizes for the second consecutive year, the Summer School on “Digital Collection Curator for Archaeology“. The initiative is part of the “DIGITARCH: Digital Collection Curator for Archaeology” project and is organized in Bologna.

In particular, the Summer School has a total duration of ninety (90) hours, takes place from 4th to 22nd September 2023 and includes lectures, seminars and practical activities. The educational programme provides a high-level and unique international training, aiming at putting into practice the digital and technological competences of students and professionals working in the field of cultural heritage, focusing particularly on the archaeological sector, in line with the professional profile of the Digital Collection Curator.

The Summer School is implemented on-site, in English and provides six (6) University credits (CFU). Its aim is to train qualified/expert professionals in the field of digital humanities, in order to be able to manage all phases of the processes of creating and using digital collections of archaeological interest, from data collection in the field to their use in museums.

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), is the Greek project partner and will be represented in the Summer School by Achilles Kameas, Professor of the Hellenic Open University, Director of DAISSy and Panagiota Polymeropoulou, Senior DAISSy Researcher, member of the project working team, who will deliver two lectures, on-site.

Detailed information about both the terms and the fees of participation in the Summer School, are available on the project website:

DIGITARCH is a two-year project, coping with the advanced training in the technological, economic and cultural fields for an attractive European knowledge sector and it is co-funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region (Regional Council Decision no.1625/2021). It is implemented by a consortium of institutions in two countries (Italy, Greece): the University of Bologna is the Coordinator, and the partners are, the Hellenic Open University and the DAISSy research group, the Melting Pro company, the Municipality of Modena and the Civic Museums of Modena and Emilia Romagna.

Read: Manifesto DIGITARCH 2023 (ENG)

For more information about the DIGITARCH and other activities of the DAISSy Research Group:


DAISSy-HOU organizes the hybrid info-day entitled “Empower Girls’ Creativity Through Use of Digital Technologies” within SparkDigiGirls project

spark-01The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University invites you to participate in the info day entitled “Empower Girls’ Creativity Through Use of Digital Technologies”, which will take place on Wednesday 12 July 2023 at 18.00, at the “ByzantinoHotel in Patras (Greece).

The event is addressed to individuals and representatives of associations, institutions and bodies at local, national and European level. In particular, it is addressed to teachers, vocational education and training providers, apprenticeship advisors, vocational training teachers, students e.t.c.

More precisely:

  • Participation is free of charge and open to all
  • Pre-registration is not needed
  • Online participation is available through the Zoom electronic platform, by using the following link: (Meeting ID: 834 6170 0438, Passcode: 301158)
  • The event will be held in Greek
  • A certificate of attendance will be provided to any participant wishing for it

The info-day is part of the implementation of the “SparkDigiGirls: Empower Girls’ Creativity Through Use of Digital Technologies” EU project, aiming at encouraging girls to explore digital technologies such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of things) and come up with new and exciting ideas by utilizing their newly acquired digital knowledge to chart the waters of the male-dominated STEM industry with fresh, different, and creative viewpoints.

Read the programme here.

The SparkDigiGirls is a two-year project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2020-1-LT02-KA227-YOU-007294) of the European Commission, with DAISSy-HOU as the Greek partner.

For more information about the SparkDigiGirls project, and other activities of DAISSy:


DAISSy – HOU announces the student competition on the contemporary socio -economic challenges via the “Learn.Inc” project!

logo-learnIncThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU is pleased to announce the student competition on “Using the digital educational environment to solve modern socio-economic challenges (Challenge Based Learning -CBL)”  to be implemented within the framework of the “Learn.Inc : Learning Incubator for Project- based Teaching and Training through ResearchEU project.

In particular, with regard to the CBL student competition of the Learn.Inc project, it is noteworthy that:

  • It is addressed to all postgraduate and post doc students of Greek Universities.
  • It is carried out in cooperation with Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania), Sofia University St. Clement Ohridski (Bulgaria), Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi (Turkey) and Research & Training Foundation Point Foundation (Bulgaria).

The aim of the student competition is to highlight innovative ideas in order to solve cutting-edge problems of socio-economic reality. By bringing learning and formal education closer to the agenda of the society and the local communities, the Learn.Inc project seeks to create a supportive environment for the launch of “bottom-up” initiatives, accessible to both the teachers and the students, so that they all develop knowledge in a flexible way. At the same time, research is a key element of the whole process, where students will follow personalized learning paths that will lead them to their own results and achievements. The need of the students to interface with both private businesses and social organizations, is the impetus of the CBL student competition.

More precisely, the participants of the CBL competition are invited to develop a short idea, so that learning takes place through the identification, the analysis and the design of a solution to a real social, technical  or business problem. Looking for answers to the above stages, students are invited to present their scientific proposals to an Evaluation Committee, consisting of representatives of the Learn.Inc project team and the associated partner institutions.

As a result, the participants in the CBL student competition will have the opportunity to be involved in a creative process of participatory training (in collaboration with other users and groups from the University and business community) in order to develop skills, aiming at experiencing their idea being shaped and transformed into a complete application. A pitching exchange among the various ideas will be part of the competition, to be followed by an evaluation process and an award to the most innovative proposals.

The CBL student competition of the Learn.Inc project includes the following phases:

  • Submission of applications: 22nd June – 7th July 2023 (using the following link: )
  • Selection of candidates : 8th to 11th July 2023
  • Implementation of the competition : July to November 2023

The Learn.Inc is a three-year project, co-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the “ERASMUS+/Key Program Action 2 Sector: Partnerships for Cooperation in a field of Higher Education” program. It is implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from four (4) countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Greece) with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU being the Greek partner, responsible for the implementation of all actions at national level and participating in all project intellectual outputs.

For more information about the Learn. Inc project and other actions of DAISSy – HOU:


Participation of the DAISSy Research Group in the 6-day Teacher Training event of the “CHOICE” European Research project

From 19th to 26th February 2023, the CHOICE Consortium gathered in Larissa (Greece) and participated in the Joint Short-Term Training of Trainers (“Train-the-Trainers”) action, which was hosted by the “Diofantos” Institute of Computing & Publishing Technology (ITYE) and was implemented in the framework of the “CHOICE: Citizenship Competences to Tackle Climate Changes” European Research Project. The purpose of the project is to support the development of civic skills in Primary and Secondary Education students, enabling them to contribute to the fight against climate change through the adoption of sustainable behaviors.


During the 6-day “Train-the-Trainers” action, the trainers from the collaborating institutions, i.e. the Institute of Computer Technology & Publications (ITYE) “Diofantos” in collaboration with the DeepBlue Research Center, as well as the Vocational Training Center and Training Consorzio Ro.Ma, coordinated experiential workshops for the fifteen (15) participating teachers from the 16th Primary School of Larissa (Greece), ARC School (Romania), Primary School in Janków Przygodzki (Poland), TEK Secondary School (Turkey) and the Istituto Magistrale Statale Giordano Bruno (Italy) on issues such as climate change and digital tools in the classroom, the use of simulators, games and carbon footprint tools in educational practice, planning and organizing science workshops at school, creating and editing videos, etc.

During the training, the participating teachers from each school took turns guiding the rest of the group in implementing experiments/labs related to the environment and climate change. Experiments were demonstrated, such as a small-scale water irrigation system from recycled objects, a water filtration experiment, calculating the annual energy consumption of our electronic devices, as well as our individual carbon footprint using online tools, as well as creating a body scrub through the use of coffee beans. All the above experiments will be implemented with the participation and active involvement of students in all partner schools.


Through their participation in this specific training event, the teachers of the partner schools have received the necessary knowledge and expertise to be able to proceed to the next major activity of the CHOICE project, which is the start of the piloting of a set of innovative laboratory training activities (educational paths) that have been developed by the members of the CHOICE Consortium for the students of the five cooperating schools and their families.

The “CHOICE: Citizenship Competences to Tackle Climate Changes” is a two-year project co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission, under the action “Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices”. The DAISSy Research Group is the Greek partner of the consortium, which consists of a total of eight (8) partners from Italy, Poland, Turkey, Romania and Greece.

For more information about the CHOICE project as well as other activities of DAISSy:


The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University invites you to participate in the Webinars on Social Innovation, through the project TESI

logo-tesiThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites you to take part in the Webinars on Social Innovation, which are part of the European project “TESI: Education and Training in Social Innovation”, implemented by DAISSy-HOU as a partner in Greece.

TESI project is implemented by an interregional consortium of six (6) Universities and one (1)  Research Centre in five (5) countries of the Adriatic-Ionian region (Albania, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, and Slovenia), with the aim of designing a Transnational Joint Master Programme (JM) in the field of Social Innovation.

In particular, a series of six (6) webinars is launched that will take place during the period from 31 May to 23 June 2023, with DAISSy-HOU team  having the responsibility of their design and co-responsibility of their implementation. With each partner institution contributing its expertise, this collaborative effort will cover various aspects of Social Innovation in depth. The Webinars will address the evolving needs of diverse target groups, including students, academic staff, and public or private organizations. Through this comprehensive approach, TESI aims to provide a platform for meaningful learning, facilitating the exchange of ideas between academia and practice.

The programme of six (6) webinars is as follows:

31 May 2023 @ 5.00-7.00 p.m.

Cultural mediators as communication professionals in the in the Context of Migration/Protection (University of Belgrade)

8 June 2023 @ 3.00-5.00 p.m.

What do children think? Child-centred approach as Social Innovation in education (ZRS Koper)

14 June 2023 @ 5.00-7.00 p.m.

Innovative support to social entrepreneurship in Croatia

(University of Zagreb)

19 June 2023 @ 11.30 a.m.-1.30 p.m.

Urban regeneration and capacity building (IUAV Venice)

21 June 2023 @ 5

Data and analytical tools for knowledge visualization (University of Tirana)

23 June 2023 @ 5.00-7.00 p.m.

Strengthening the role of civil society through participatory planning (Hellenic Open University)

Please note that:

⇨ The seminars are held online, through the online platform zoom, at the following link:

⇨ They are conducted in English and are addressed to all interested parties. ⇨ Participation is free of charge!

⇨ Registration is pre-required and can be done by filling in the relevant form here:

⇨ Each trainee/ trainee receives a certificate of attendance, depending on the seminar in which he/she participates.

TESI is a nine-month project co-funded by the INTERREG Adrion programme of the European Union. The DAISSy Research Team of the EAP will ensure the effective implementation of the project activities in Greece, emphasizing networking and participation of relevant stakeholders and aiming at the multiple exploitation of the project results and its impact.

For more information about the TESI project, and other DAISSy activities:-


The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU launched its activities on establishing a Joint Master Programme in Social Innovation through the TESI project

The TESI: Training and Education in Social Innovation is a newly approved Interreg Adrion European co-funded project that aims at establishing a partnership to be working on the formulation of a Joint Master Programme (JMP) on Social Innovation.

The project focuses on developing competences and skills on social innovation through capacity building approaches, with an emphasis on the contemporary social challenges in public administration’s governance, such as the urban regeneration, social entrepreneurship, welfare and migration. In addition, it aims at establishing a network of Universities and research centers, in order to define and implement the JMP.

More precisely, the main outputs of the TESI project include the creation of an innovative transnational network of Universities, research institutions and business organisations working in the field of social innovation, and the design of a Strategy and an Action Plan for the development of the JMP in Social Innovation. The future Master will award a degree from at least two (2) partner Universities. The programme envisages funded mobility schemes to partner universities and includes also a training/internship period, so that to allow students writing their thesis in a real-life working or research context.

The TESI implementation was launched at its online kick-off meeting, that took place on the 9th of February 2023 and was organized by the University of Bologna (Department of Political Science). Τhe DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, the Greek project partner, actively participated at the meeting and was represented by its Director Prof. Achilles Kameas and Dr Sissie Theodosiou, Social Anthropologist, Project Manager and Senior Researcher of DAISSy.

Furthermore, the successive online meetings provided the TESI partnership with the floor for discussing the crucial details and top priority on-going issues of the project implementation.

Within this context, the 1st TESI Study Visit became a reality! It was implemented on 27-29 March 2023 and was organized by the University of Zagreb (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences),  in Croatia. It aimed at further strengthening all partners’ expertise and mutual knowledge, in order to start designing the JMP and to plan the related activities, such as the Webinars on Social Innovation and the Summer School. The DAISSy- HOU was represented in the 1st Study-Visit by its Director, Prof. Achilles Kameas and Dr Sissie Theodosiou, Social Anthropologist, Project Manager and Senior Researcher of DAISSy, who were actively involved in all study-visit’s activities and had the opportunity to exchange thoroughly, taking into account its know-how and the project tasks.

The TESI partners have already started the research activities by collecting the existing educational offers on Social Innovation across the Interreg Adrion geographical area of intervention. In addition, the process of engaging relevant stakeholders (such as Universities, Research Centres, Business organisations, SMEs working in the field of Social Innovation, etc.) in the TESI partnership, is already on its way.

It is noteworthy, that DAISSy-HOU will be involved in the implementation of all TESI deliverables, having the responsibility for a series of six thematic Webinars that aim to offer a training opportunity for different target groups and to address different topics related to Social Innovation. The Webinars will be held mainly by practitioners and discussed by a group of experts including University professors.

The TESI is a nine-month project co-funded by the INTERREG Adriatic-Ionian programme of the European Union. It is implemented by a consortium of six (6) Universities and one (1) Research Centre in the following countries: Albania, Croatia, Greece, Serbia and Slovenia. The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU will ensure the effective implementation of the project activities in Greece, putting emphasis on networking and the involvement of respective stakeholders, and aiming at the multiple exploitation of the project results and its impact.

For more information on the TESI project, and other activities of DAISSy:

The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University participated in the 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting of the “Innovation Station” project in Warsaw

Innovation Station -logoOn 29th and 30th March 2023, the 2nd Transnational Partners’ Meeting (TPM) of the European project “Innovation station: a new approach towards online and blended educationtook place in Warsaw (Poland), hosted by IF, project partner.

The project’s main objective is to connect the students and the teachers across Europe so that they join forces and find solutions to the everyday challenges of online and blended learning.

During the TPM, the OBESSU, coordinator of the Innovation Station project, made an overview of the project’s work and management. In this context, the administrative and financial issues of the project were reviewed and discussed and both the progress in terms of quality assurance and the dissemination and promotion activities of the project were presented.

This was followed by a discussion on the content of the guidelines and the training of the teachers. In particular, Euroclio, project partner, presented the draft guidelines for teachers, on which the other partners are expected to provide their comments.

Subsequently, the EGInA project partner presented the stages of the selection and training of teachers, including the criteria for the selection of participants and the agenda of the training program.

In addition, IF, project partner, and leader of WP 4, presented the Massive Open Online Course-MOOC platform, describing the material and content, such as the recorded videos, subtitles, audio files in all languages of the consortium, etc. Through a very productive brainstorming and discussing, all partners agreed on the general framework and structure of the MOOC platform and set future deadlines.

The last important point of the meeting was to report on the steps regarding the policy proposals for a more effective online education and teaching, with an emphasis on ensuring that the proposals are credible and comprehensive.


The meeting was a success!

All partners participated in the two-day discussions with great attention and a spirit of collaboration. The TPM was an opportunity for the partners to meet again, after the first transnational meeting in Brussels (Belgium).

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the Greek partner, was represented by Ms Panagiota Zafeiropoulou, Project Manager and Researcher of DAISSy, who actively participated in all sessions of the 2nd TPM and exchanged on the progress of the project implementation.

The “Innovation station” is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ program, under the “Partnerships in School Education” action. The project consortium consists of five (5) partners from Belgium, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Greece, and DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) is the Greek partner.

For more information about the “Innovation station” project and other DAISSy activities:


DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University organizes the “Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy” online workshop within the RE-START project

logo-restartThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites you to the online educational workshop entitled “Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy”, which is organized in collaboration with the Institute of Economic Analysis and Solidarity Economy (I.E.A.S.E.) of the University Research Center of Ioannina (U.R.C.I.). The workshop is an activity of the European project RE-START – Reinforcing the circular economy model for START-ups, implemented by DAISSy-HOU as a partner in Greece.

  • The workshop takes place online on Thursday 25th May 2023, at 00-19.00 and is addressed to University students regardless of their discipline.
  • Participation is free of charge!
  • The expression of interest procedure is ongoing and the participation form can be submitted, here:

The workshop will take place on Zoom platform, through the following log in details:

  • Meeting ID: 869 4292 6250
  • Passcode: 133135

During the online workshop, participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with circular economy and entrepreneurship, as well as with the digital tools and the training programme developed by the RE-START project, aiming at supporting potential start-uppers in the field of circular economy.

The main objective of RE-START project is to empower higher education students to acquire and cultivate basic skills and competencies in order to adopt an environmentally friendly approach in their efforts to create a start-up. The project encourages and guides them to develop a circular start-up, or to transform their business idea into a circular one, following the definition of circular start-ups. The ultimate goal of the project is the commercialization of innovative business ideas in the field of circular economy through the development of University spin-offs.

The RE-START is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University is the Greek partner of the consortium, which consists of a total number of six (6) partners from Cyprus, Portugal, Spain, Poland and Greece.

For more information about the RE-START project and other DAISSy Research Group’s activities: