“Creative Audiovisual Lab for the promotion of critical thinking & media literacy- CrAL” featured at the ALL DIGITAL weeks 2022
The project “Creative Audiovisual Lab for the promotion of critical thinking and media literacy” (CrAL) was presented at the event “ALL DIGITAL weeks 2022“.
During the event (on 24th March), Gabriela Ruseva (ALL DIGITAL) presented the Italian best practice and made as well a significant reference to the CrAL methodology. According to Annio Gioacchino Stasi, who is a screen writer, essayist and writer, this methodology “is trying to show the link between images and words. Working with images implies intellectual and above all human honesty. We see the effects of the images that confuse, lie, destroy, and unfortunately, at times convince”.
The innovative CrAL methodology is a result of the research which was carried out within the Laboratory of Image and Creative Writing of “La Sapienza” University of Rome by Annio Gioacchino Stasi, who has been teaching creative processes in writing for 30 years and Mery Tortolini, a painter, essayist and teacher.
CrAL is very close to delivering the innovative methodology to tutors of all participating countries at this stage of the project. A 3day Training of Tutors (ToT) event will take place in Barcelona on May 23-26. Greece will participate with the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU).
For more information about the CrAL presentation: https://www.cral-lab.eu/cral-project-featured-at-the-all-digital-weeks-2022
For more information about the project CrAL and other activities of the DAISSy Reasearch Group:
- Website : http://daissy.eap.gr, http://daissy.eap.gr/en/projects/cral/
- Facebook : @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr
International Conference of the European project DELTA
The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University, coordinator of the DELTA project, invites you to the hybrid International Conference “Digital Transformation of Archeology” that will be organized on Saturday, 4th June 2022 in Athens, within the DELTA project!
The conference is open to all and will be held in English. Certificates of participation will be awarded!
Apply to the registration form: https://forms.gle/QDHS3ntcxD11JJ9m9
More information in the Announcement and the Poster.
Press release of the CHOICEE online inaugural meeting
The inaugural online meeting of the CHOICE project, co-financed by the European Commission Erasmus +, took place on 14 January 2022 in Rome, Italy. The DAISSy research team participates in n the Consortium through Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”.
The project is funded by the Commission’s Erasmus + 2021-2027 program.
Hosted by the “DEEP BLUE SRL” 16 people participated in an online meeting, representing all project partners from Italy, Greece, Poland, Romania and Turkey.
CHOICE is an Erasmus + project lasting 24 months (December 2021 – November 2023).
CHOICE points to developing sustainable behaviours and lifestyles in various target groups, from teachers and students, to their families and local communities, thus engaging citizens in EU’s Green Transition from a grassroot level. The project also strives to upskill teachers and education professionals by training them into diverse and multidisciplinary teaching methodologies that will help them develop citizenship competences in their students. Citizenship competences are essential to ensure the growth of socially and civically engaged youngsters able and eager to participate in the democratic life.
Through the development of sustainable attitudes and lifestyles in various target groups, from teachers and students, to their families and local communities, thus inspiring citizens in the EU Green Transition.
It will also upgrade teachers and education professionals by training them in a variety of interdisciplinary teaching methodologies that will help them develop global citizenship skills in their students.
The final product of the CHOICE project will be:
- a set of educational activities to develop the appropriate skills of the young citizen to deal with climate change.
- It will raise young people’s awareness of sustainable behavior and bring this knowledge to families and communities.
- It will upgrade the skills of teachers by training them in various and interdisciplinary teaching methodologies that will help them develop in their students the skills that a citizen should have.
If you or your institution are interested in CHOICE and would like to contribute, benefit or just follow the development of the project, you will find us in the following:
- CHOICE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Choice-Project-102877432343032
- CHOICE Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/choiceeuproject
- CHOICE YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOOPt-tAns2wcSJDXxc2Rmg
- Website DAISSy: http://daissy.eap.gr/en/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
Project partners:
- Ιtaly: DEEP BLUE SRL, project coordinator
- Greece: Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”
- Ιtaly: Consorzio Ro.Ma.
- Turkey: TEK Ortaokulu
- Greece:16ο Δημοτικό Λάρισας
- Poland:Szkola Podstawowa im. Powstancow Wielkopolskich w Jankowie Przygodzkim
Απολογισμός εκπαιδευτικών δράσεων έργου Good Deeds με τη συμμετοχή της ομάδας DAISSy
Η ερευνητική ομάδα DAISSy συμμετείχε στις εκπαιδευτικές δράσεις που έλαβαν χώρα στο πλαίσιο του έργου Good Deeds στην Κωνσταντινούπολη από 12 ως 14 Απριλίου 2022. Οι δράσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν διά ζώσης στις εγκαταστάσεις του πανεπιστημίου Kadir Has. Το έργο Good Deeds (Digital Energy Efficiency Designers) υλοποιείται από μία κοινοπραξία 6 εταίρων από 6 διαφορετικές Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες (Ελλάδα, Ιταλία, Τουρκία, Ρουμανία, Πορτογαλία και Λετονία) και έχει ως κεντρικό σκοπό την ανάπτυξη και δοκιμή μια μεθοδολογίας και μια πλατφόρμας μάθησης για εκπαιδευτικούς και μαθητές Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης (ΕΕΚ), με στόχο την προώθηση μιας στρατηγικής συνεχούς και βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης των τομεακών ικανοτήτων για την ψηφιακή ενεργειακή απόδοση.
Προς αυτή την κατέυθυνση, το έργο ξεκινά από τη συλλογή ενός συνόλου Ανοικτών Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων (ΑΕΠ) και την ανάπτυξη εκπαιδευτικού υλικού αναφορικά με την κλιματική αλλαγή, την ενεργειακή απόδοση, το αποτύπωμα άνθρακα, τις επιπτώσεις των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών στην ενεργειακή κατανάλωση και τους τρόπους υπολογισμού και βελτίωσης του αποτυπώματος άνθρακα που προκαλείται από τη χρήση ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών. Τα ανωτέρω θα αποτελέσουν τη βάση για την κατάρτιση 60 εκπαιδευτικών της Β/θμιας εκπαίδευσης, οι οποίοι με τη σειρά τους θα εκπαιδεύσουν 10 μαθητές ο/η καθένας/μία με τελικό στόχο την ανάπτυξη ενός ΑΕΠ από κάθε ομάδα μαθητών.
Η πρώτη μέρα των εκπαιδευτικών δράσεων επικεντρώθηκε στην περιγραφή του προγράμματος κατάρτισης των εκπαιδευτών και της εκπαιδευτικής εργαλειοθήκης του έργου από τον Ιταλό φορέα-συντονιστή του έργου EGInA Srl. Πάράλληλα, ο καθηγητής Αχιλλέας Καμέας παρουσίασε το πλαίσιο δεξιοτήτων DigComp και έκανε σύντομη περιγραφή του πλάνου εργασιών για την αντιστοίχηση των μαθησιακών αποτελεσμάτων του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος του έργου με τις δεξιότητες του πλαισίου DigComp. Τη δεύτερη ημέρα, ο Δρ Θεόδωρος Παναγιωτακόπουλος παρουσίασε τη μεθοδολογία ανάπτυξης εκπαιδευτικού υλικού για προγράμματα ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης που έχει αναπτυχθεί από την ερευνητική ομάδας DAISSy. Ακολούθησε εργαστήριο ανάπτυξης αρχείων σχεδιασμού και περιγραφής μαθησιακών μονάδων, ενοτήτων και αντικειμένων για την πρακτική εφαρμογή της μεθοδολογίας ανάπτυξης εκπαιδευτικού υλικού από εκπροσώπους των εταίρων του έργου.
Την τρίτη και τελευταία ημέρα υλοποιήθηκε επίδειξη του συστήματος διαχείρισης γνώσης που έχει αναπτυχθεί από την ερευνητική ομάδας DAISSy για τη διαχείριση ΑΕΠ στο πλαίσιο του έργου Good Deeds. Στη συνέχεια, οι παρευρισκόμενοι χωρίστηκαν σε ομάδες και εκτέλεσαν προσχεδιασμένα σενάρια χρήσης του συστήματος διαχείρισης γνώσης για την εξοικίωσή τους με αυτό. Τέλος, παρουσιάστηκε η πρώτη έκδοση της ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα μάθησης που έχει αναπτυχθεί από την ερευνητική ομάδας DAISSy για τη συλλογή ανάδρασης που θα τροφοδοτήσει την ανάπτυξη της επόμενης έκδοσης αυτής.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το έργο Good Deeds και άλλα έργα και δράσεις της DAISSy:
- Ιστοσελίδες: http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://www.gooddeeds.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup, @goodDEEDSproj
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup, @good.deedsproject
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
Completion of the INSTRUCTION project in which DAISSy / HOU participated
On March 31, 2022, the INSTRUCTION project (Upskilling school teachers for education-work transition), in which the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University participated was successfully completed. The duration of the project was two years and was funded under the program Erasmus + / KA2 / Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project consortium included 6 partners from 4 European countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Romania) and aimed to create an innovative teaching model to facilitate students’ transition from education to the world of work; and to strengthen the link between schools and business.
The DAISSy research team developed the innovative teaching model to support the internship / apprenticeship and participated in the development of the methodology for its application in the school environment through a six-step process. It participated in the design of the training program for 20 teachers from the project partner countries and designed and developed the e-learning platform used in both the teachers’ training program and the pilot implementation of the innovative teaching model in 5 European secondary schools. Based on the results of the pilot actions, the DAISSy research team determined a set of opportunities for integrating the innovative teaching model at local, regional, national and European level. Finally, it made a key contribution to the authoring of a scientific paper for the dissemination of project results.
The feedback received from teachers, students and representatives from the business community highlighted the usefulness and compatibility of the proposed model in different educational systems. The findings of the pilot implementation evaluation underlined the completeness in the coverage of the required skills by the teachers, the quality of the educational material, the efficiency and the applicability of the teaching model, but also the effectiveness of its application methodology for the training of the teachers and the support of the students for their transition in the workplace. The students felt that they were more informed and better understood the purpose and activities of the various stages of the internship / apprenticeship describing a sense of security that developed as they received adequate support and guidance especially during the preparation phase.
For more information about the INSTRUCTION project and the DAISSy research group:
- Websites: http://daissy.eap.gr/en
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup, @instructionerasmusplus
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
The DELTA consortium participated to 6th project meeting in Brno, Czech Republic
On the 31st March and 1st April 2022, the DELTA consortium participated in person, in the sixth transnational meeting of the project in Brno, Czech Republic, hosted by the Department of Archaeology and Museology of the Masaryk University (project partner).
The DELTA project – Digital Excavation through Learning and Training in Archaeology, is funded under the program Erasmus + / KA2 / Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project is coordinated by the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (EAP) and is implemented by a consortium of four partners – Universities from three countries (Greece, Italy and Czech Republic). Project DELTA aims to design and develop a course that combines the physical space of an archaeological excavation with the digital space of online learning. With this course, students of Archaeology will be able to improve update their knowledge and skills and develop digital and 21st century skills in particular.
The meeting started with an overview of the project and its progress by Hellenic Open University. The DELTA consortium has decided after to provide again this year the online course entitled “Digital Excavation”, attracting 580 learners. The course will complete on the 23nd May 2022. HOU, the Intellectual Output II leader, presented the progress of the MOOC 2022, the first grade results, as well as other points of consideration in tutoring in platform. All partners as developers of each Module presented the status of work in the translation done in each module (IO2/A3). Masaryk University presented the finalization steps in DELTA Teaching Handbook (IO1/A3) and in Policy recommendations document (IO1/A5). The second day of the in-person meeting included equally important presentations, regarding the organization of the Final meeting in Athens (2 and 3 June 2022) that will be hosted by National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as the planning of the Final Conference in Athens (4th June 2022) that will be organized by Hellenic Open University, with the active participation and contribution by all partners. Presentations on the procedure in finalizing the DELTA project on important aspects like communication/dissemination policy, financial & administrative issues and exploitation of the project results of DELTA, were conducted.
More information on the DELTA project and other news of DAISSy research group -Hellenic Open University:
- Website : http://www.project-delta.eu/ – http://daissy.eap.gr/en/
- Facebook : @projectdeltaeu – @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Twitter : @deltaprojecteu – @daissy_research
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr
Press release MICA
The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (http://daissy.eap.gr/en/ ) participates in the activities of the project “MU.SA International Community Activators – MICA”, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme. The MICA project (12 months duration) aims to create a practical community of self-lifelong learning for Cultural Heritage and Museums professionals. Up to now, have been successfully completed the first three out of the five Work Cafés within the MICA project, which were conducted online and were live streamed on project’s Facebook page.
On March 28th 2022, the 1st Work Café on “Digital Environment for the Mu.SA Community” was held with the keynote speaker Myriam Hadnes, who shared with her experience of digital platforms as a behavioral economist and host of the podcast “Workshops Work” with the participants. The second guest was Sherif Abaza, Chief Growth Officer of Withlocals, a company specializing in affordable and sustainable tourism promoted by locals and an expert on the Slack platform. The speakers answered the questions and then, in the second part of the Work Café, participants explored the Welo platform and discussed, in small groups, the topics of the talks and how a community could be not only attractive but also sustainable.
On April 4th 2022, MICA project hosted the 2nd Work Café on “Best practices in cultural communities” where examples of successful cultural communities were presented and questions were raised about their potentials and weaknesses and how the MICA community can develop its own potentials. The first speaker, Maria Ann McNair, museum educator at History Colorado Museum, described how storytelling can be the strongest tool to create empathy, connection and networking in the process of building a community. Also, hosted Harikleia Haris, architect, urban planner and Mu.SA course successful learner from Greece, who described to participants how different digital platforms are used by different digital communities around the world, how to measure their impacts and the importance of balancing online and offline cultural community’s elements. In the second part of the Work Café, on the Welo platform, the speakers’ contributions deepened and discussed ways of building and feeding a digital or even physical (face-to-face) community which is open to the exchange of knowledge and experiences but also to critiques based on trust and respect.
The 3rd Work Café was dedicated to “Best practices in non-cultural communities” and took place on April 11th 2022. The main focus of the discussion was the participation of community members in the community and how to keep it active. The first speaker was Stella Tsala, head of the Cookpad Greek community, who described the three groups into which a digital community can be divided, the role that each group has and finally, how these groups can contribute to the development and maintenance of the community. Then, Susana Gomes da Silva, Head of education of the Gulbekian Museum in Lisbon, Portugal explained to the participants how museums keep in touch with their communities. The last speaker was Lana Jelenjev, author and “alchemist” of communities, who highlighted the importance of different ways of reaching out to members of a community. Participants, in the second part of the Work Café, were again moved to Welo platform where they exchanged views on the speakers’ key topics and discussed new strategies.
On May 2nd 2022 will be organized the 4th Work Café, entitled “Crowdfunding strategies and tools” with keynote speaker Zoe Akrivouli, Economist and researcher of the DAISSy group of the Hellenic Open University.
View the next work cafés livestreamed in Facebook of MICA project!
For more information about the MICA project and the activities of the DAISSy research group:
- Websites: https://micaproject.eu/ – http://daissy.eap.gr/en,
- Facebook: @micaproject – @DAISSyResearchGroup
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/m-i-c-a-mu-sa-international-community-activators – https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
Πρόσκληση στο Εθνικό Πιλοτικό Πρόγραμμα του NICHE
Η ερευνητική ομάδα DAISSy του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου σας προσκαλεί να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή στο Εθνικό πιλοτικό πρόγραμμα που διοργανώνει με τίτλο “Εκπαίδευση για την ενίσχυση της επιχειρηματικότητας στην Άυλη Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά”, στο πλαίσιο του έργου NICHE!
Το πρόγραμμα κατάρτισης διάρκειας είναι δωρεάν, ανοικτό προς όλους και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο χρονικό διάστημα από 2 έως 29 Μαΐου 2022, μέσα από την πλατφόρμα του NICHE: http://www.nicheproject.eu/.
Το πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης προσφέρεται στα Ελληνικά και θα περιλαμβάνει αυτορρυθμιζόμενη μάθηση και online συναντήσεις με τον εκπαιδευτή! Θα απονεμηθούν Βεβαιώσεις συμμετοχής!
Δηλώστε το ενδιαφέρον σας συμπληρώνοντας τη διαδικτυακή Φόρμα, έως και 29 Απριλίου 2022.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην Πρόσκληση.
Press release of the NEFELE online inaugural meeting
The inaugural online meeting of the NEFELE project, co-financed by the European Commission Erasmus +, took place on 16 February 2022 in Naples, Italy. The DAISSy research team of the Hellenic Open University (http://daissy.eap.gr/en/) participates in the activities of the new project, which is co-financed by the Erasmus + 2021-2027 program.
Hosted by the University of Naples (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), 18 people participated in an online meeting, representing all project partners from Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Spain and the Netherlands.
The project meeting was dedicated to networking, project overview, questions about the administrative / financial aspects. It was fundamental for all partners, as it allowed for a common understanding of the project objectives, the validation of the work plan, a better clarification of each partner’s rules and responsibilities, and the definition of agreements and communication procedures.
NEFELE is a 30-month Erasmus + project (December 2021-May 2025), which aims to train high school teachers who can act to prevent NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) by supporting students in their development. skills and their professional identity.
The project includes the creation of a handbook that will contain an innovative framework for teachers which will include the Career Development Framework, the Positive Youth Development Framework and the TUIs (Tangible User Interfaces). This framework will be the basis for the development of MOOC, NEFELE BOX and the creation of Open Education Resources material that will be freely available on the NEFELE Platform. The last part of the MOOC will contain examples of using the NEFELE BOX.
The platform will share all the content of the project, as well as guidelines and good practices for professional teachers, policy recommendations and will allow the download of all content to those who will use the NEFELE training model.
If you or your institution are interested in NEFELE and would like to contribute, benefit or just follow the development of the project, you can contact the EAP DAISSy research team for more information and other activities at the following:
- Website DAISSy: http://daissy.eap.gr/en/
- Facebook : @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr
Project partners:
Press Release of LEAD-Online project.
The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (http://daissy.eap.gr/en/) participates in the activities of the new project entitled “LEAD-Online: Learn, Engage, Act: Digital Tools to Prevent and Counter Hate Speech Online”, which is co-funded by the CERV Programme (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme).
The LEAD-Online project (with a duration of 24 months) aims to enhance critical thinking and digital & media literacy skills in young people, as causally linked to the low levels of reporting and the “normalization” of hate speech online (HSO). The project will empower youth, teachers, media and social media activists in 7 countries (AT, BG, CY, HR, IT, EL, RO) to become agents of change by
- training them to recognize hateful discourses and underlying forms of intolerance, prejudices and discrimination, using a rights-based approach;
- providing them with innovative digital tools to classify, decode and counter HSO, and
- opening up spaces for discussion of HSO, promoting attitudes and behaviour that respect human rights and values.
On April 7th and 8th 2022, the kick-off meeting of the LEAD-Online project was delivered with physical presence of the partners in Sofia Bulgaria, hosted by SDA team from Bulgaria, Coordinator of the project. The first project meeting was dedicated to an overview on the LEAD-Online project, the proposal submitted and previous agreements among partners. The project meeting was dedicated to networking, project management, administrative, financial aspects, quality evaluation, and reporting obligations of all partners. It was a great help for the partners in order to properly understand the Project management and coordination, Self-Assessment And Development of Hate Speech Ontologies, the “Digital Gardening” To Tackle Hate Speech Online, the Play Against Hate: Online Game To Detect and Counter Hate Speech Online and the general Dissemination and Communication of the project. In addition, the meeting clearly defined the work plan and tasks to be implemented by each partner.
At the end of the project, target groups and stakeholders in education, civic sector, media sector in partner countries will benefit from new multiple open-access learning resources and sustainable, scalable, interactive digital instruments for countering HSO. Policy-makers in partner countries will be provided with recommendations to support formal educational activities for media literacy.
For more information about the project and the other activities of DAISSy research group:
- Website: http://daissy.eap.gr
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Twitter: @daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
Project Partners
- Assotsiatsia Za Razvitie Na Sofia, Bulgaria
- Forma Azione SRL, Italy
- Udruge Centar Za Mir, Nenasilje I Ljudska Prava – Osijek, Croatia
- Asociatia Divers, Romania
- Future Needs Management Consulting LTD, Cyprus
- Hellenic Open University, Greece and its DAISSy Research Group
- Zara – Zivilcourage Und Anti-rassismus Arbeit, Austria