SONET-BULL Social Networking Against Bullying
Social Networking Against Bullying
New pedagogic approaches: 2nd international conference in Dublin.
The Anti-Bullying Centre of Dublin City University will host the second international conference of Sonet-Bull, a project financed by the European Erasmus+ Programme to identify common strategies to prevent and counter school bullying phenomena. The appointment is for November 18 at 2 pm. The initial results obtained with the on-line platform for schools, families and all other actors involved in this phenomenon will be presented during the event.
SONET-Bull is a two-year project implemented by the Greek National Agency as part of the Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 2 “Strategic Partnerships” to prevent and counter school bullying. The programme, which is promoted by five partners from four European countries (Hellenic Open University, Greece – INFOREF, Belgium – Computer Technology Institute & Press Diophantus, Greece – Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy – Dublin City University, Anti-Bullying Centre, Ireland), is based on the concept that bullying cannot be countered through isolated actions, but rather requires educational strategies and innovative tools that can lead to the creation of networks and educational communities.
The project is also based on the use of the platform to share good practices and strategies to counter bullying. The international conference will be held on November 18, 2015, at 2 pm at the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre at Dublin City University.
“Partners involved in the EU Sonetbull Project are meeting in Dublin from 18-20 November at the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre in Dublin City University. As part of the project a number of EU partners are working with DCU to develop an online space using ICT social networking tools with peer learning and crowd-sourcing to train school communities to counter student bullying. The three days of meeting will begin with the launch of a new national anti-bullying website by the Irish Minister for Education and Skills” explains James O’Higgins Norman, Director of the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre in Ireland.
“The first version of SONETBULL Platform is ready. The platform is a peer learning platform which integrates social networking tools (Blog; Forum; Wikis; Tag cloud) and allows register users to access accredited training material on school bullying, to publish their experiences and to comment and tag the experience of their peers. In particular, users can share their experience in school bullying in a form of learning objects that are available through the platform. Those Learning Objects are: anti-bullying policy; bullying episode; case study, discussions; educational activities; survey and wiki” points out Catherine Christodoulopoulou, spokesperson for Computer Technology Institute and Press Diophantus (CTI) in Greece.
The platform is a strategic tool to implement a dedicated educational course for all members of school communities to adequately prevent and counter school bullying phenomena, developing collaborations between schools and families and providing the necessary support both to victims and aggressors involved in bullying incidents.
Fri, 13/11/2015
Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Press office
Elisa Amorelli
tel. 06 42014109 – 338 3043021
Francesca Meini
Tel. 06 42014109
Hellenic Open University (Coordinator)
Contact: Achilles Kameas
Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus” CTI
Contact: Catherine Christodoulopoulou
Read the press release here
HOU at the “World of Learning Conference” in Birmingham, UK
Euproma presents eLearning job role profiles and training guidelines at the “World of Learning Conference” on 29 & 30 September 2015 in Birmingham, UK
- The e-Virtue project consortium will be part of the “World of Learning”, an international event where training organizations, practitioners and companies meet to exchange ideas and pave the way to modern learning environments.
- In a project-specific session, the partnership will present the main e-learning job role profiles and guidelines on how to align curricula to the market needs.
- e-Virtue started on the 1st October 2013 and is coming to end on 30 September 2015
- EUPROMA is project coordinator and German project partner
Munich, July 2015: The EU Co-funded Project e-Virtue has run for almost two years and during this period, the partnership involved 7 partners from 5 EU countries (Poland, Germany, UK, Greece, France) and worked on identifying skills and competences necessary to take advantage of digital technologies for learning. The results are 5 consolidated profiles of job descriptions that will help to adjust curricula to market needs, and training guidelines for Vocational Education and Training (VET) organizations.
The World of Learning Conference will take place on the 29 & 30 September 2015, in Birmingham, UK. Within the conference programme, the e-Virtue Partnership will be part of the Fringe Seminars with the Keynote: Do you have the right skills for 2016 and beyond? Closing the digital learning skills gap
For more information on the session and on the event, please check the weblink:
Final Conference of eCult Skills project organised by HOU with great success!
With great success were fulfilled the operations of the International Conference “Digital Challenges for Museum Experts” organized by the Hellenic Open University in 22th September 2015 at the Gate Athens Hotel in Athens.
The Conference was organized in the context of the eCult Skills project: which investigates the emergence of new job roles as a result of the latest ICT developments and their adoption by the museums, and aims to present project outcomes and discuss possible exploitation routes.
The conference gathered scholars, museum professionals, museum representatives, organizations and networks, and ICT researchers and engineers creating a forum to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans on the interplay between Culture and Technology.
At the beginning of the Conference was attended many officials gave a welcome speech such as Dr. Jenny Albani, the Vice President of the Hellenic Committee of ICOM/ Directorate of Museums, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Mrs. Lila de Chaves, the President of Heritage & Museums/ member of the Board of Trustees of European Museum Forum and Dr. Vasileios Dagdillelis, the President of National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance in Greece.
The conference contained three sessions and workshops. The first Session entitled “Outcomes and the impact of the eCult Skills Project” were presented the research results from the participant countries of the project. In the second Session with the title “Museums in the digital era” we had museum representatives from different and diverse museums (national, foreign, small-sized, university museum, public or private) portraying their own perspective, through case studies, showing applications, DB, installations and educational programmes based on the new technologies. In the third session divided at two basic groups of speakers we had the opportunity to host universities/ academics and VET institutions that presented the currently provided study programmes/ curricula/ skills needed for the museum expert. The ICT experts testified their experience from collaborating with museums underlying the demanded qualifications regarding ICT and Culture. In addition to the sessions, in the final workshops a fruitful discussion was developed among partners of the Project, audience and speakers aiming at the evaluation of the job role profiles and the evaluation of the exploitation potential of the project outcomes.
It is noteworthy that entries surpassed all expectations of the organizing committee and 150 participants flocked to the conference venue. The participants in their assessment expressed the most enthusiastic comments on the selection of the speakers, the themes, the space and the logistical organization. To all participants were issued a handbag with material of hardcopies and cd of the Conference Proceedings.
The content and the themes of the Conference were received ample recognition of the presence and contribution of prominent professors, museum employees, ICT experts, Researchers and Boarding members in national & international committees while the papers showed great scientific interest.
Newsletter European Web Site on Integration – Greece (July-September 2015)
July-September 2015 | Ιούλιος-Σεπτέμβριος 2015 | |
NEW! Web Site users need to have an ECAS (European Commission Authentication Service) account for data security reasons in order to submit content on the new version of EWSI and to edit their subscription to our newsletter. We invite you to create an ECAS account here. More information on the registration procedure can be found here | ΝΕΑ! Οι χρήστες Web Site, προκειμένου να υποβάλουν περιεχόμενο για τη νέα έκδοση του EWSI και να πραγματοποιήσουν εγγραφή στο ενημερωτικό δελτίο μας, για λόγους ασφάλειας δεδομένων πρέπει να έχουν λογαριασμό ECAS (European Commission Authentication Service). Σας προσκαλούμε να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό ECAS εδώ. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη διαδικασία εγγραφής μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ. | |
Good Practices | Καλές πρακτικές | |
Greece: Training cultural mediators with social networking software (SONETOR)The SONETOR project aims to assist Cultural Mediators working with immigrants by providing them an online training platform. This platform aims to facilitate the up-skilling and re-skilling of Cultural Mediators. Read more.“AGREE – Agricultural job Rights to End foreign workers Exploitation” project aims at creating a new culture of work against all forms of exploitation and lawlessness through the promotion of the rights and opportunities of redemption. Read more. | Ελλάδα: SONETOR, «Κατάρτιση διαπολιτισμικών μεσολαβητών αξιοποιώντας το νέο λογισμικό Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης»Το SONETOR στοχεύει στην ενίσχυση των γνώσεων, των δεξιοτήτων και των ικανοτήτων των Πολιτισμικών Διαμεσολαβητών στην δουλειά τους με τους μετανάστες, μέσω της ανάπτυξης καινοτόμου περιεχόμενου και προγραμμάτων Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης και Εκπαίδευσης. Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ.Το πρόγραμμα «ΑGREE – Δικαιώματα στις αγροτικές εργασίες με στόχο να σταματήσει η εκμετάλλευση των αλλοδαπών εργατών» στοχεύει στη δημιουργία και προώθηση μιας νέας κουλτούρας εργασίας εναντίον όλων των μορφών εκμετάλλευσης και ανομίας. Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ | |
Latest documents | Βιβλιοθήκη | |
Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2015: Settling In. This joint publication by the OECD and the European Commission presents the first broad international comparison across all EU and OECD countries of the outcomes for immigrants and their children in five areas: employment, education and skills, social inclusion, civic engagement and social cohesion. Read more. MIPEX 2015: International Key Findings. Integration policies in the 38 MIPEX countries are ambivalent about equal rights and opportunities for immigrants. Scoring 52/100, integration policies in these developed democracies create obstacles for immigrants to fully participate in economic, social and democratic life. Read More. “IRMA – Governing the irregular migration: States, Actors, Intermediaries” Final PublicationsHow do migration control policies affect the plans and actions of prospective (and actual) irregular migrants? And why some policies are more successful than others? These are the central questions addressed by the IRMA Case studies, the Comparative report, the Policy paper and the maps of Migratory routes. Read more. | Δείκτες ένταξης των μεταναστών 2015 Η κοινή έκθεση του ΟΟΣΑ και της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής παρουσιάζει την πρώτη ευρεία διεθνή σύγκριση από όλα τα κράτη-μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και τις χώρες του ΟΟΣΑ σχετικά με τα αποτελέσματα που αφορούν τους μετανάστες και τα παιδιά τους.Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ…MIPEX 2015 Τα σημαντικότερα αποτελέσματα από τη διεθνή έρευνα Οι περισσότερες πολιτικές σχετικά με την αγορά εργασίας επικεντρώνονται στην παροχή βοήθειας στους μετανάστες να βρουν θέσεις εργασίας – οι περισσότερες το κάνουν μετά από διάρκεια παραμονής 10+ χρόνια, αλλά συχνά οι θέσεις εργασίας είναι χαμηλότερης ποιότητας ή με μισθούς κάτω από το όριο…Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ… «IRMA Διακυβέρνηση της μη-νόμιμης μετανάστευσης: Κράτη, Δρώντες και Μεσάζοντες» Μελέτες περιπτώσεωνΠώς οι πολιτικές ελέγχου επηρεάζουν τα σχέδια και τις ενέργειες των μελλοντικών (και των υπαρχόντων) μεταναστών; Και γιατί ορισμένες πολιτικές είναι πιο επιτυχημένες από άλλες; Αυτά είναι και τα κεντρικά ζητήματα, που εξετάζονται από το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα IRMA. Εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε τις μελέτες περιπτώσεων, την συγκριτική ερευνητική έκθεση και τηχαρτογράφηση μεταναστευτικών διαδρομών. |
News | Ειδήσεις | |
New Eurostat statistics on the acquisition of citizenshipAccording to Eurostat data extracted in May 2015, nearly one million people obtained citizenship of an EU-28 Member State in 2013, an increase of 20 % compared with 2012. Read more. | Τα στατιστικά της Eurostat σχετικά με την ιθαγένειαΣύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της Eurostat μέχρι το Μάιο 2015, σχεδόν ένα εκατομμύριο άτομα έχουν αποκτήσει ιθαγένεια σε κάποιο από τα 28 κράτη-μέλη της ΕΕ, το οποίο δείχνει αύξηση της τάξης του 20%. Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ… | |
Call for applications | Προκηρύξεις | |
Call for Proposals 2015: Education for Intercultural Citizenship and Intercultural Artistic Co-ProductionsThis call aims at supporting projects on the fields of Education for Intercultural Citizenship and Intercultural Artistic Co-Productions. Deadline to apply: 1st November 2015. Read more. | Προκήρυξη 2015: Εκπαίδευση στην διαπολιτισμικότητα και τις Καλλιτεχνικές συνεργίεςΟι δικαιούχοι που μπορούν να καταθέσουν προτάσεις είναι μόνο οι οργανώσεις-μέλη του δικτύου ALF National Network. Προθεσμία κατάθεσης: 1 Νοεμβρίου 2015.Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ. | |
Follow us:Twitter: @EWSI_GreeceFacebook: European Web Site on Integration – GreeceNational coordinators for Greece for the European Website for Integration::ΕLIAMEP, Vas. Sofias 49, Athens 10 676 | Follow us:Twitter: @EWSI_GreeceFacebook: European Web Site on Integration – GreeceΣυντονιστές για την Ελλάδα για την Ιστοσελίδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για την προώθηση της κοινωνικής ένταξης των μεταναστών:ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, Bασ. Σοφίας 49, Αθήνα 10 676 |
International Conference on «Digital challenges for museum experts»
Organized by Hellenic Open University
Funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) of the European Commission
- Purpose
The event is organized in the context of the eCult Skills project, which investigated the emergence of new job roles as a result of the latest ICT developments and their adoption by the museums, and aims to present project outcomes and discuss possible exploitation routes. It will provide to scholars, museum professionals, organizations and networks, and ICT researchers and engineers, a forum to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans on the interplay between Culture and Technology and the new professional prospects this can lead to.
- Who should be attending?
The conference is addressed to cultural heritage institutions, especially museums, professionals of the Culture sector (staff, directors, board members, and policymakers), vocational training organizations (VET), ICT Industry and stakeholders from the Culture and ICT sectors.
- Structure
The conference contains sessions and workshops. The session part contains three sessions: in the first of them, the research results from the participant countries of the project will be presented, in the second, museums will portray their own perspective, through case studies, of the digital literacy of the museum professionals and ICT experts will testify their experience from collaborating with museums, while in the third session, VET institutions and universities will present the currently provided study programmes and qualifications regarding ICT and Culture. In addition to the sessions, two workshops will be organized, aiming at the dissemination and evaluation of the job role profiles produced by the project and the evaluation of the exploitation potential of project outcomes.
- Where and when
Athens Gate Hotel, 10 Syngrou avenue, Athens, Greece
22 September 2015
Main Topics:
- ICT and Culture: Trends, challenges, and technological developments
- ICT and Museums: Access, guides, documentation and services
- Developing digital strategies for the Culture sector
Organised by
- Policy, leadership, and everyday practice in museums
- Changes and upgrades in the museum organizational chart
- Improving Digital Literacy of Museum Professionals
- Digital Cultural Content Distribution
- New media and communication tools in Culture
- Human – computer interaction for cultural applications
- ICT guidance: skills and competencies
- Creative cultural enterprises
- Study and training programs in Cultural Informatics
- Emerging jobs in the Culture sector: knowledge – skills – competences
Website: http://ecultskills–
Register for free:–conference–on–digitalchallenges–for–museum–experts–tickets–17479441480
Contact Details:
The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments – IE’16
Intelligent Environments (IE) refer to physical spaces in which IT and other pervasive computing technology are woven and used to achieve specific goals for the user, the environment or both. IEs have the ultimate objective of enriching user experience, better manage, and increase user awareness of that environment. The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’16) will be held at the city of London, one of the most influential cities in the modern world with a rich offer to visitors.
- Conference Program:The conference provides a multidisciplinary collaborative forum for researchers and practitioners from Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Building Architecture, Art & Design, Sociology, Government and Education to present theoretical and practical results related to the development and applications of Intelligent Environments. The event will include regular full/short papers as well as a Doctoral Colloquium, a Posters Session and Demos & Videos Session.
- Workshops Program: as in previous editions,a number of workshops will complement the main conference program. Papers accepted in any of the workshops sponsored by this conference will be included in one Proceedings volume that will collect the contributions in all workshops, see more details in the publications section.
- Publications: all papers accepted in the main conference will be published in an indexed proceedings (currently in negotiation with IEEE, as in previous editions). All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series (ISI indexed) of IOS Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library.
- Industrial Forum: this will be a networking event and an opportunity for the business sector to showcase their innovation.
- Tutorials Programme: for this edition we will include a number of tutorials by well-known colleagues on important topics.
- Special Issues:a number of journal issues will be published encompassing core areas of the event.
- Special Sessions: selected topics will qualify to be considered as special tracks organized by members from our scientific community. More details will be released through the webpageof the event.
- Awards:these will recognize the best Full Paper, Short Paper, Doctoral Colloquium (DC) paper, Demo, and Video.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Ambient intelligence | Smart buildings |
Ubiquitous/Pervasive computing | Smart educational technology |
Context awareness | Sustainable design |
HCI | Smart cities |
Wearables | AAL |
Robotics | Sensors |
Artificial intelligence | Virtual/Mixed reality |
Computational intelligence | Wireless sensor networks |
Middleware | Mobile computing |
Architecture and interaction design | Design and reliability of systems |
Authors are invited to submit regular full papers no more than eight (8) pages (including any data, figures and references) in standard IEEE double-column format. All papers submitted to IE’16 must be unpublished previously and should not be undergoing consideration for publication elsewhere during IE’16 review period.
Papers submitted to any of the other conference tracks (Short papers, Doctoral Colloquium, and Demos and Video Sessions) have a length limit of 4 pages. Papers accepted in any of these tracks will also be included in the Conference Proceedings. Notice there will be different deadlines for different categories of submissions.
All papers accepted in the main conference will be electronically available through IEEE Explore. The Intelligent Environments conference is currently indexed by both EI Compendex and Thomson’s Web of Science (Thomson ISI) and the 2016 edition will also be submitted for indexing. All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series of IOS Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library. Both proceedings will be ISI indexed.
For more information and article templates, please visit our webpage
Important Dates
Workshops/Tutorials/Special tracks Proposals: 1st December 2015
Conference paper submission: 1st h of March 2016 (Regular Papers, full and short)
15th of March 2016 (Posters, Videos, Demos, DC papers)
General Chairs (
Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University London, UK)
Gordon Hunter (Kingston University, London, UK)
Program Chair (
Stefan Poslad (Queen Mary University London, UK)
Workshop Chairs (
Paulo Novais (Universidad do Minho, Portugal)
Tutorials Chair:
Gordon Hunter (Kingston University, London, UK)
Publications Chairs:
Simon Egerton (Monash University, Malaysia)
Davy Preuveneers (KUL, Belgium)
PAAMS 2016
PAAMS 2016
14th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems
University of Sevilla (Spain)
1st-3rd June, 2016
We are already thinking about the next PAAMS conference which will be held in Salamanca on 1-3 June 2016. We are looking for workshops that would highlight some particular aspects of Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
Our offer will guarantee the following:
- Local support for installing and managing the reviewing site of the submissions.
- 12 pages per paper, published at SV LNCS / CCIS, if acceptance rate under 60%.
- Synchonization with PAAMS agenda and coordinated deadlines for workshops.
- Duration : X slots of 2 h each for up to 4 papers each, with maximum of 8 slots.
- Standard equipment (videoprojector) and local support all along the workshop.
- Attractive registration including softcover proceedings, 3 lunches, 2 diners.
- No registration at the workshop only since the main session is held at same time.
- Possibility of workshop invited speaker but no direct support from PAAMS.
- Suggestion to install aroundtabel at the end of the workshop for making summary.
We hope this offer will catch your attention. Should you be interested in submitting such a workshop, please contact us ( with a proposal before 14th September, 2015. Last year was very successful. With your help in 2016, we look forward to an even more successful event !
Please take into account the invited workshops when submitting your proposal:
- A-Health. Agents and multi-agent Systems for AAL and e-HEALTH.
- Agent-based solutions for Manufacturing and Supply Chain.
- CNSC – MAS for Complex Networks and Social Computation.
- ISCIF – Intelligent Systems and Context Information Fusion.
- MultiAgent System Based Learning Environments.
- Multi-agent based Applications for Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy Systems.
- Intelligent Human-Agent Societies.
More detailed information can be found in:
PAAMS 2016 Scientific Committee Chairs
Yves Demazeau – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
Takayuki Ito (Co-Chair) – Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan)
PAAMS 2016 Organizing Committee Chairs
Javier Bajo – Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
María José Escalona. University of Sevilla (Spain)
AMI – European Conference on Ambient Intelligence Call for Papers
The European Conference on Ambient Intelligence is the prime venue for research on Ambient Intelligence, with an international and interdisciplinary character. It brings together researchers from the fields of science, engineering, and, design working towards the vision of Ambient Intelligence.
Ami-15 will take place in Athens, from 11 to 13 November 2015. For more information click here:
Ami-15 will provide a meeting point for each of these communities, aiming for intensive networking and scientific debate, and shaping visions of the future. This year’s event focuses on a number of featured themes areas, each attracting a growing community of Ambient Intelligence researchers.
Special Issue on “Smart Internet of Things: technologies, protocols, applications”
Journal of Ambient Wireless Communications and Smart Environments (AMBIENTCOM)
Special Issue on “Smart Internet of Things: technologies, protocols, applications”
The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) refers to a world-wide network of uniquely identifiable interconnected objects that embed sensors and actuator and can seamlessly interoperate using communication protocols. Objects of the physical world become equipped with unique identifiers (having specific identities and virtual personalities), are linked to the Internet and therefore can connect, communicate and interoperate with each other. At the same time, they can be managed using easy-to-use web applications. The number of potential IoT applications is vast, covering almost every sector of human activity. Nonetheless, the full realization of the concept of IoT still faces many challenges.
The goal of this Special Issue is to collect papers presenting smart solutions to address IoT challenges, actualize intelligent IoT systems and apply IoT in smart environments. Papers should describe concepts, models, technologies, approaches, methodologies and practices of Internet of Things.
The Special Issue will collect paper submissions from open call as well as the best papers from the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2015).
Topics of interest, all from the perspectives of smart IoT, include, but are not limited to:
- System architectures, communication protocols and technologies for IoT
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications
- Big Data processing and analysis for IoT
- Human-System interaction and user centred IoT systems
- Sensors, smart devices and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
- Energy-efficient algorithms and systems
- Security, privacy and trust issues
- Middleware and service platforms
- Applications (Smart Cities, Smart Home/Buildings, Smart Grid, Healthcare, Smart Environment)
- Emerging topics and advances in IoT research
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: | December 1, 2015 | Final Manuscript: | April 1, 2016 |
First Round of Reviews: | February 1, 2016 | Publication Date: | End of 2016 |
Guest Editors
Achilles Kameas
Hellenic Open University
Luca De Nardis
University of Rome La Sapienza
Periklis Chatzimisios
Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki
The Special Issue seeks submission of research articles and survey articles that present novel original results and findings on Internet of Things. Solicited original submissions must not be currently under consideration for publication in other venues. Author guidelines and submission information can be found at
All manuscripts should be submitted through Manuscript Central:
International Workshop on “The Role and Prospects of Cultural Mediation”
In contemporary societies, native populations live side by side with migrant populations and ethnic minorities. As a result, conflicts and social exclusion may arise, thus calling for the implementation of conflict resolution measures. Cultural mediation is a form of mediation between two or more disputing parties that are presumed as having different cultures which, in a way, are responsible for conflict creation.
The workshop is organized by the Hellenic Open University in the context of the European Project TIPS, T – Learning to Improve Professional Skills for intercultural dialogue which is funded under the Leonardo da Vinci programme. The aims of the workshop are to discuss the vital role and the prospects of Cultural Mediators in a pluralistic Europe, to identify the competences that professional Cultural Mediators must develop and describe their educational and training needs, to research the potential of applying information and communication technology in training Cultural Mediators and to present the achievements and the progress of project TIPS.
The event is open and participation is free of cost. A certificate of attendance will be given to registered participants. The official language of the event is English and there is the ability to attend online via the internet, through the TIPS project website (
A photo exhibition titled “Snapshots of a “limited” life” will be organized in the context of the workshop.
For more information, please contact:
Mrs Spyridoula Kouna, Hellenic Open University – Greece,, tel. +30 2610.367402
Mrs Konstantina Polimeropoulou, Hellenic Open University – Greece,
9 October 2009
Astir Hotel, Patras, Greece