
The project RE-START – Reinforcing the circular economy model for START-ups, was successfully completed, with DAISSy-HOU as a Greek partner

logo-restartAfter two years of demanding and high quality implementation, the European project «RE-START – Reinforcing the circular economy model for START-ups» was successfully completed, with the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), as a Greek partner. The success of the project, in terms of achieving the objectives and indicators set, led to its recognition as good practice by the European programme ERASMUS+, being its funding source, receiving a score of 87/100.

In particular, the RE-START project encouraged and guided students as well as recent graduates of Higher Education Institutions, individuals with circular business ideas and potential start-uppers, to develop a circular start-up, or to transform their business idea into a circular one. In this context, the definition of circular start-ups was applied, which characterizes them as business models, based on the adoption of at least one of the Circular Economy strategies: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Regenerate.

Pivotal to the launch of the project was the development of the RE-START Circular Business Plan Toolkit, a digital platform that includes multiple interactive business support tools. Specifically, it provides a self-assessment tool for circular business ideas, which evaluates the potential of an idea and its alignment with circular economy principles, while it suggests areas for improvement. It also provides an interactive Business Model Canvas, as well as a repository of pitch deck templates for presenting a business idea to potential investors, and also case studies of successful circular enterprises from the five (5) European partner countries (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Poland).

Next, the consortium developed the RE-START training programme, based on a detailed survey to identify training needs and gaps in existing training programmes, including desk research and focus group meetings in all partner countries with academics, trainers, entrepreneurs, representatives of business support organisations, etc. In particular, the RE-START training programme consists of seven (7) modules, covering “Introduction to the circular economy”, “Circularity and entrepreneurship”, “The regenerative business model”, “Innovation and circular startups”, “Marketing & commercialization of a circular startup”, “Green Partnerships” and “Funding opportunities for a circular startup”.

It is noteworthy that the training programme was made available and remains as such and  free of charge, through the RE-START e-learning platform in the form of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offered in all the languages of the consortium (Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish) and in English. The pilot implementation of the training programme was carried out through scheduled, online, three-day training workshops in all partner countries, with more than one hundred and seventy (170) participants, who were able to continue the training at their own pace, in an asynchronous manner.

After the successful completion of the RE-START training programme, the participants had the opportunity to take part in the Circular Business Plan Competition. It was the last activity of the project, where thirteen (13) business ideas, represented by teams or individuals, were hosted and presented to a jury composed of experts in the field of entrepreneurship and circular economy.  Six business ideas were awarded, receiving financial prizes, business mentoring and training.

An additional RE-START deliverable is the Guidebook for Trainers and Academics which contains practical instructions to guide them in the delivery, monitoring, and review of distance learning for their students, through the already developed MOOC e-learning platform. The Guidebook contains practical assignments using the Circular Business Plan Toolkit and is available in all the consortium languages (Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish) and in English.

RE-START is a two-year project (01/01/2022- 31/12/2023) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Action KA2-Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education) and implemented by a consortium of six (6) partners, namely: GrantXpert Consulting Limited– Coordinator (Cyprus), Hellenic Open University (Greece), Danmar Computers Sp Zo.o. (Poland), Fundación Empresa Universidad de Alicante de la Comunidad Valenciana-FUNDEUN (Spain), Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal), Innovation Hive (Greece).

On behalf of the Hellenic Open University, the RE-START project was coordinated by Achilles Kameas, Professor at the HOU and Director of the DAISSy Research Group, with Mr. Konstantinos Potsis as the Project Manager. The working group included the researchers Anastasios Papadopoulos and Akrivouli Zoi.  It is noteworthy, that DAISSy-HOU was responsible for the implementation of all project activities in Greece and participated in all intellectual products and deliverables, while it was responsible for the development of the Circular Business Plan Toolkit.

DAISSy-HOU wishes to congratulate and thank all those who actively contributed to the successful implementation of the project.

For more information about the RE-START project and other activities of DAISSy-HOU:


Info Day “From linear to circular: Empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs” by DAISSy-HOU, within the RE-START project

logo-restartThe DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites to the info day entitled “From linear to circular: Empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs”, to be organized within the framework of the implementation of the RE-START – Reinforcing the circular economy model for START-ups European project, currently undergoing by DAISSy as the Greek partner.The activity takes place on Friday 15th December 2023 at 11.00’, at the Auditorium of the Department of Management Science and Technology of the University of Patras (Building DETb, room DETb0.1 – Address: Megalou Alexandrou 1, Patras University Complex, Koukouli area).

Specifically, the event is addressed to students and recent graduates of higher education, regardless of their field of study, business consultants, trainers and any person or institution wishing to get acquainted with the model of circular economy and entrepreneurship. It deals with the transition from the linear to the circular business model and the tools available to achieve this transition.

To this end, the event focuses on the presentation of the circular business model, the RE-START project’s  innovative digital tools and circular entrepreneurship training programme, which have been developed with the participation of DAISSy-HOU in the framework of the project.

More precisely:

  • Participation is free of charge and open to all
  • Pre-registration is not needed
  • Participation Certificates swill be provided

The RE-START is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, that aims at encouraging and guiding students in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), recent graduates and potential startupers to develop a circular start-up or transform their business idea into a circular one following the definition of the circular start-ups which characterizes them as business models based on implementing at least one out of the five (5) CE strategies: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Regenerate.

The project is implemented by a consortium of six (6) partners representing five (5) European countries (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Portugal, Poland). The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, the Greek partner, participates in all deliverables of the RE-START project and is responsible for the development of the Circular Business Plan Toolkit.

For more information about the RE-START project and other activities of DAISSy-HOU:


DAISSy-HOU announces the Online Circular Business Plan Competition through the “RE-START” project

restart-postThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) announces the Circular Business Plan Competition, to be implemented through the RE-START – Reinforcing the Circular Economy Model for START-Ups  european project.

In this context, DAISSy-HOU invites students, graduates and young entrepreneurs with an innovative business idea in the sector of Circular Economy (CE), to participate in the competition, to be held online on 30th October 2023 at 16.00 (EEST).

More precisely:

  • The candidates are invited to submit their application form by 15th October 2023.
  • Participants will receive guidance in order to be thoroughly prepared for the competition.
  • Business consulting and mentoring, networking with investors and monetary prizes await the winning teams after the completion of the competition.

The RE-START is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, that aims at encouraging and guiding students in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), recent graduates and potential startupers to develop a circular start-up or transform their business idea into a circular one following the definition of the circular start-ups which characterizes them as business models based on implementing at least one out of the five (5) CE strategies: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Regenerate.

The project is implemented by a consortium of six (6) partners representing five (5) European countries (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Portugal, Poland). The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, the Greek partner, participates in all deliverables of the RE-START project and is responsible for the development of the Circular Business Plan Toolkit.

For more information about the RE-START project and other activities of DAISSy-HOU:


DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University organizes the “Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy” online workshop within the RE-START project

logo-restartThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites you to the online educational workshop entitled “Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy”, which is organized in collaboration with the Institute of Economic Analysis and Solidarity Economy (I.E.A.S.E.) of the University Research Center of Ioannina (U.R.C.I.). The workshop is an activity of the European project RE-START – Reinforcing the circular economy model for START-ups, implemented by DAISSy-HOU as a partner in Greece.

  • The workshop takes place online on Thursday 25th May 2023, at 00-19.00 and is addressed to University students regardless of their discipline.
  • Participation is free of charge!
  • The expression of interest procedure is ongoing and the participation form can be submitted, here: https://forms.gle/poJMHz8dzWvkFSMo8

The workshop will take place on Zoom platform, through the following log in details:


  • Meeting ID: 869 4292 6250
  • Passcode: 133135

During the online workshop, participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with circular economy and entrepreneurship, as well as with the digital tools and the training programme developed by the RE-START project, aiming at supporting potential start-uppers in the field of circular economy.

The main objective of RE-START project is to empower higher education students to acquire and cultivate basic skills and competencies in order to adopt an environmentally friendly approach in their efforts to create a start-up. The project encourages and guides them to develop a circular start-up, or to transform their business idea into a circular one, following the definition of circular start-ups. The ultimate goal of the project is the commercialization of innovative business ideas in the field of circular economy through the development of University spin-offs.

The RE-START is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University is the Greek partner of the consortium, which consists of a total number of six (6) partners from Cyprus, Portugal, Spain, Poland and Greece.

For more information about the RE-START project and other DAISSy Research Group’s activities: