DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) completed the first important step in the implementation phase of the “Advanced Media Literacy Education to counter online hate-speech-AMeLiE” European project. In particular, the research part in Greece has been completed, and it included: the conduction of three Coaching Circles (CCs, Round Table meetings) with teachers and experts during the period March 16-April 5 2021; the analysis of the results, and the development of a national report.
One main innovation of AMeLiE consists in the direct involvement of educators and young people in the co-designing of ideas, campaigns, and initiatives and exploitation of results. Within this scope, the project intends to offer the educational community, including families, but also to modern society, a realistic and effective method for dealing with online hate speech.
The formation of a European community of practice will be the cornerstone for the fruitful interaction of the participants, aiming at the formulation of valid solutions and proposals as well as the sustainability of the project results. Initially, twenty-five (25) pilot schools from European countries participate as a think tank. In Greece in particular, five (5) schools are associated to the project. Specifically in the Coaching Circles procedure, six (6) representatives of pre-school, primary and secondary pilot schools situated in several cities actively participated in two (2) Round Table Online meetings of 90′ each. In addition, four (4) representatives of other, volunteer schools participated in one (1) extra meeting. The specific methodology of CCs technique was applied in each Round Table. Sophisticated tools of this technique are the: active listening, reflection of the speaker’s thoughts and feelings by the participants, respect of the specific time frame in each stages of the interaction, coordination by an expert trained in the technique.
DAISSy Research Group experts collected abundant and important material from the three CCs, which it was analyzed right in the next stage coming into a national report. The results indicated that the participants highlighted many aspects of online hate speech cases, they offered meaningful feedback and provided solid suggestions based on modern teaching and pedagogy. Also, the CCs method received positive reviews as a way of democratic and efficient peer dialogue. It is worth noting the satisfaction expressed by all participants for the coexistence and interaction of representatives from primary and secondary education in the dialogue. They even expressed the wish to establish institutional structures for interaction, exchange of experiences and good practices to address issues of concern at both levels, such as online hate speech is.
DAISSy would like to express their gratitude to the following schools and their representatives for their contribution in the AMeLie research part: Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki, 2nd High School of Xanthi, Music School of Larissa, GenikoLykeioKastritsiou Patras, 6th Elementary School of Pallini, 24th Elementary School of Patras, 53th Elementary School of Patras, Elementary School of Katochori, Kindergarden-NueseryArchontiakathariou.
AMeLiE project aims to address the issue of online hate-speech and is financed by the European Commission, under the Erasmus+ program, Action KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of school education. The project is being implemented by a consortium of six partners from five countries (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania) with DAISSy as the Greek project partner responsible for implementing all activities in Greece, contributing to all Intellectual Outputs and leading the creation of the project Platform and the School Network.