
Cultural Heritage and Digital Transformation” ENCATC Members Talk – 4 June 2021, from 14:00-15:30 CEST, online

euheritage-logoDear colleagues,

You’re invited to register for the ENCATC Members Talk “Cultural Heritage and Digital Transformation” taking place on 4 June 2021 from 14:00-15:30 CEST. Experts from 3 projects will help delve into the topic of cultural heritage and digital transformation: What can be learned from the ReinHerit project involving ENCATC member, Arcada University? From the Basilicata Heritage Smart Lab involving ENCATC member, materahub? And from the experience of the EU Heritage project?

This Talk will also include a presentation of EU Heritage training programme and how it has overcome challenges. The Talk is being organised in cooperation of the EU Heritage project – which ENCATC is a proud partner of!

Register here!

14.00 – 14:05 Welcome and introduction by GiannaLia Cogliandro, ENCATC Secretary General
14.05 – 14.20 Presentation by Mariachiara Esposito, Seconded National Expert, European Commission
14.20 – 15.00 Project presentations:

  • ReinHerit project, Susanne Ådahl, PhD and researcher, and Maria Bäck, Senior Lecturer, Arcada University
  • Basilicata Heritage Smart Lab, Paolo Montemurro, Director, materahub
  • EU Heritage, Christoph Klütsch, M2C

15.00 – 15.15 Presentation of EU Heritage training programme, Emanuela Gasca, Fitzcarraldo Fondazione
15.15 – 15.30 Open discussion with participants.


Survey on accessible tourism

in-tour_logo_pngIf you are:
  • a tourism professional (e.g. tour operators, travel agents, service providers, hospitality workers);
  • an advocate in support of inclusion (e.g. association of people with disabilities);
  • an educator in tourism (e.g. teacher, lecturer);
  • a decision maker (e.g. local, regional, national, international authority or entity);
then the DAISSy group of Hellenic Open University kindly invites you to participate in a short online survey on the topic of accessible tourism.
This survey is part of our efforts within the Erasmus+ funded project IN-TOUR, which aims to develop European curricula for inclusive tourism professions. With the questionnaire we intend to gain some insights into the experiences and perspectives of various stakeholders regarding inclusive tourism in general as well as the training of inclusive tourism professionals in particular.
The questionnaire will be open until 13th June.Thank you for your contribution!


Completion of educational actions by the DAISSy research team of HOU in the context of the RE-EDUCO project.

logo-reeducoREthinking EDUcation COmpetencies. Εxpertise, best practices and teaching in Digital Era (RE-EDUCO) is an action research project aims to create the best conditions of exchange best practices to produce innovation and cooperation in and between countries’ partners (Italy, Spain, Finland, Greece, Cyprus). The RE-EDUCO project aims to strengthen the role of digital culture as a means to improve the growth opportunities for students and teachers, widening their choices in private and professional life, through research, exchange of good practices, training and creative activities.

In the context of the first of the RE-EDUCO outputs, several information and orientation seminars and training activities took place in all partner countries to empower people and community and increase their awareness of risks and opportunities of digitalization for life, learning and professions. The actions had an overall duration of 52 hours (per country) and the topics addressed included:

  • European Context for digital innovation
  • New technologies: risk and opportunities for work and life
  • CyberBullismo
  • Digital Ethics
  • Critical use of social media and internet data
  • New skills and new labour perspective: Trends, profile, emerging competences
  • Digital technologies & Society 5.0
  • New Digital Identity and Active citizenship
  • Secure data and privacy skills and new labour perspective: Trends, profile, emerging

Specifically, seminars and training activities in Greece took place from 1/3/2021 until 24/4/2021 with the participation of three provincial schools, namely the 5th General Lyceum of Agrinio, the 5th General Lyceum of Heraklion and the Model High School of Mytilene. A total of 127 students and 9 teachers were registered and participated. Since the schools were closed throughout Greece due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all actions were realized in an online manner. Both teachers and students expressed their satisfaction with the topics and the educational content and their willingness to participate in other project activities as well, such as the RE-EDUCO’s teachers’ online training and school contest.


DELTA project in the webinar organized by the Greek Archaeological Committee UK!

delta-logoThe Greek Archaeological Committee UK takes great pleasure in inviting you to its 61st lecture “Marathon Revisited: The new excavation of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at the site of Plasi”.

On Tuesday 25 May 2021, at 19:00 (CET), 20:00 (EET) Yiannis Papadatos, Assc. Prof. of Archaeology (NKUA) and partner of DELTA partnership, will give a lecture about the NKUA excavations at Marathon, with the title “Marathon revisited: the new excavation of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at the site of Plasi”.

The DELTA course will also be presented. Students of the DELTA blended course will have the opportunity to learn about the excavation, where the Intensive Study Programme (part of the DELTA blended course) will take place.

Register here !


DAISSy completed successfully the “Advanced Media Literacy Education to counter online hate-speech” national research in Greece

DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) completed the first important step in the implementation phase of the “Advanced Media Literacy Education to counter online hate-speech-AMeLiE” European project. In particular, the research part in Greece has been completed, and it included: the conduction of three Coaching Circles (CCs, Round Table meetings) with teachers and experts during the period March 16-April 5 2021; the analysis of the results, and the development of a national report.

One main innovation of AMeLiE consists in the direct involvement of educators and young people in the co-designing of ideas, campaigns, and initiatives and exploitation of results. Within this scope, the project intends to offer the educational community, including families, but also to modern society, a realistic and effective method for dealing with online hate speech.

The formation of a European community of practice will be the cornerstone for the fruitful interaction of the participants, aiming at the formulation of valid solutions and proposals as well as the sustainability of the project results. Initially, twenty-five (25) pilot schools from European countries participate as a think tank. In Greece in particular, five (5) schools are associated to the project. Specifically in the Coaching Circles procedure, six (6) representatives of pre-school, primary and secondary pilot schools situated in several cities actively participated in two (2) Round Table Online meetings of 90′ each. In addition, four (4) representatives of other, volunteer schools participated in one (1) extra meeting. The specific methodology of CCs technique was applied in each Round Table. Sophisticated tools of this technique are the: active listening, reflection of the speaker’s thoughts and feelings by the participants, respect of the specific time frame in each stages of the interaction, coordination by an expert trained in the technique.

DAISSy Research Group experts collected abundant and important material from the three CCs, which it was analyzed right in the next stage coming into a national report. The results indicated that the participants highlighted many aspects of online hate speech cases, they offered meaningful feedback and provided solid suggestions based on modern teaching and pedagogy. Also, the CCs method received positive reviews as a way of democratic and efficient peer dialogue. It is worth noting the satisfaction expressed by all participants for the coexistence and interaction of representatives from primary and secondary education in the dialogue. They even expressed the wish to establish institutional structures for interaction, exchange of experiences and good practices to address issues of concern at both levels, such as online hate speech is.

DAISSy would like to express their gratitude to the following schools and their representatives for their contribution in the AMeLie research part: Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki, 2nd High School of Xanthi, Music School of Larissa, GenikoLykeioKastritsiou Patras, 6th Elementary School of Pallini, 24th Elementary School of Patras, 53th Elementary School of Patras, Elementary School of Katochori, Kindergarden-NueseryArchontiakathariou.

AMeLiE project aims to address the issue of online hate-speech and is financed by the European Commission, under the Erasmus+ program, Action KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of school education. The project is being implemented by a consortium of six partners from five countries (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania) with DAISSy as the Greek project partner responsible for implementing all activities in Greece, contributing to all Intellectual Outputs and leading the creation of the project Platform and the School Network.


The DELTA consortium participated to 4th project meeting online

delta-4th-meetingThe DELTA project consortium participated in the fourth transnational meeting of the project. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting initially scheduled to take place in Athens, Greece but finally took place online, on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th May 2021.

The DELTA project – Digital Excavation through Learning and Training in Archaeology, is funded under the program Erasmus + / KA2 / Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project is coordinated by the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (EAP). The project is implemented by a consortium of four partners – Universities from three countries (Greece, Italy and Czech Republic).

The meeting started with an overview of the project and its progress by Achilles Kameas, Head of the DAISSy Research Group, Hellenic Open University. The actions that will take place in Intellectual Output I (IO1) were then analyzed, such as presentation of the developed Module 1 material (Masaryk University), the status of Module 2 (NKUA), the status of Module 3 (UNIBAS) and the status of Module 4 (HOU). The University of Basilicata (UNIBAS) presented the results of the selected applicants derived by the application online form, which closed on the 2nd May 2021.  The e-learning platform opens on the 10th May 2021 with Module 1 and all partners will assign two people as Tutors in the Platform. HOU will provide the monitoring and technical support throughout the blended course, to both Tutors and Students in platform.

Also, Masaryk University presented the content of the DELTA Teaching Handbook (IO1/A3) and the Policy recommendations structure (IO1/A5). The first day of the meeting ended with NKUA who showed a list of questions that constitute the evaluation forms of the blended course material (IO1/A4) in Platform.

The second day of the web meeting included equally important presentations, regarding the pending issues of the DELTA platform for the provision of the training program under Intellectual Output II (IO2) as well as the communication, dissemination policy for the more effective dissemination of the project results and deliverables (HOU). University of Basilicata (UNIBAS) presented an indicative detailed programme for the 5 days learning and training [ISP] for the 15 selected students and the 3 trainers, coming from the partner countries that will travel and collaborate in the joint excavation at Μarathon, Greece. The ISP programme is designed by UNIBAS and NKUA will be the host partner of the excavation.

The fourth meeting closed with the presentation of the time –plan and the financial issues by HOU, for the smoother implementation of the DELTA project.


Εναρκτήρια Συνάντηση (Kick off meeting) του Ευρωπαϊκού έργου T4SVEN

logo-t4svenΗ ερευνητική ομάδα DAISSy του ΕΑΠ ανακοινώνει την εναρκτήρια συνάντηση που του Ευρωπαϊκού έργου T4SVEN (Training 4 Skills in the Digital Environment) το οποίο χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ Key Activity 2: Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness in Vocational Education and Training, ως απάντηση στις αλλαγές στην εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση που προκλήθηκαν από την πανδημία COVID-19. H συνάντηση διεξήχθη την Πέμπτη στις 6/5.

Κύριος σκοπός του έργου είναι η υποστήριξη των εκπαιδευτών/τριων Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης (ΕΕΚ) μέσω ενός συνόλου ψηφιακών ανοιχτών πόρων που βασίζονται σε αρχές ψηφιακής παιδαγωγικής, οι οποίοι θα τους/τις εξοπλίσουν με ικανότητες για την ενσωμάτωση των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών στην εμπειρία τους και, συνεπώς, θα ενισχύσουν την αποτελεσματική διδασκαλία, εμπλουτίζοντας τις μεθόδους της ΕΕΚ, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της μάθησης στο χώρο εργασίας (WBL).

Το έργο διαρκεί από την 1η Μαρτίου 2021 έως την 1η Φεβρουαρίου 2023. Συντονιστής φορέας του έργου είναι ο Οργανισμός Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων της Κροατίας και εταίροι είναι το Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (Ελλάδα), το δίκτυο φορέων Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης EVBB (Βέλγιο), το Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου (Κύπρος) και το Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο (Ελλάδα).


Conference on STE(A)M educators and education

poster-steam2021conference-enThe Panhellenic and International Conference on “STE(A)M Educators & Education” will take place only online (via WebEx) from Friday, 7 May 2021 until Sunday, 9 May 2021 (Conference hours: 08:00-18:30 CET). Selected sessions will be broadcasted via YouTube, too.

You can find more information about the conference together with program updates and the links to join in the conference website:

The Conference is held under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education and is co-organised by the Regional Centre for Educational Planning of Western Greece (PE.K.ES. D.E.), Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”, (C.T.I.) and Hellenic Open University (H.O.U.).

The Conference is co-chaired by Dr. Achilleas Kameas, Professor of H.O.U. and Dr. Spyridon Papadakis, Organizational Coordinator of PEKES Western Greece. It is supported by the project “STEAMonEdu: Competence development of STE(A)M educators through online tools and communities” (

The Conference is also supported by the Regional Directorate of Education (PDE) of Western Greece, the international teacher community Scientix ( and the projects “STEAM-IT” (, “CHOICE” ( & “GEMIN” (, which are funded by the European Programme Erasmus+/KA3/Forward Looking Cooperation Projects in the fields of Education and Training, the Hellenic Education Society for S.T.E.M. (E3STEM) (, the eTwinning Hellenic National Support Service (, the Greek School Network (, as well as 14 Greek Regional Centers for Educational Planning (PEKES).

The Conference is addressed to scientists, teachers and educators of all levels that occupy themselves or are interested in getting occupied with STE(A)M education, researchers and post-graduate students, education executives, professional education and vocational training providers, as well as any person interested in becoming aware of the most up-to-date scientific developments, experience and results regarding the application of the STE(A)M educational approach.

The conference will take place in seven (7) parallel rooms extending over fifteen (15) zones. The programme contains 11 invited talks, 52 presentations of scientific papers, 50 STEAM education practices and 28 special sessions (workshops, panels, round tables etc.). Every day, one room will be fully dedicated to English speaking participants.

Participation to the Conference is free, but registration is required here: Join the more than 4.000 people from all 5 continents of the world who have already registered!

To communicate with the Conference organizers, please send an email to

Read the programme of the conference here.

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Invitation to attend the MOOC “STE(A)M education for educators” offered by the STEAMonEdu project

mooc insta2Project STEAMonEdu is being funded under the Erasmus+/KA3 programme and aims to contribute to innovative and cross-disciplinary approaches in implementing STE(A)M education by revising and strengthening the professional profile of the teaching profession. No transition to STEM or STE(A)M education will ever be possible without the active and full involvement of educators. As teaching strategies are changing, educators need to update their competence profiles in order to face STE(A)M education challenges.

In this context,  STEAMonEdu project has developed the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “STE(A)M education for educators: Design, orchestration and implementation of STE(A)M education”. The Course is based on the five perspectives of the STEAMonedu Competence Framework for STE(A)M educators, which represent the different roles that a STE(A)M educator can have during the educational procedure:

  1. Educator as teacher-trainer-tutor
  2. Educator as learning designer and creator
  3. Educator as orchestrator and manager
  4. Educator as community member
  5. Educator as professional

Who is it for

The MOOC is addressed to all individuals who are interested in applying or finding out about STE(A)M education, such as:

  • active educators (teachers, trainers etc.) at all levels and settings of formal and non-formal education;
  • managers/directors at all levels of formal and non-formal education;
  • students or graduates.


MOOC participants will gain knowledge and develop competences in the following areas:

  • Modern approaches of STE(A)M education
  • Design and implementation of STE(A)M educational activities
  • Content creation for STE(A)M education
  • STE(A)M educational procedure and resource management
  • Community building, participation and interaction
  • Policies in the context of STE(A)M education
  • Competence frameworks and lifelong learning opportunities

Dates and effort

The MOOC will be launched on May 10, 2021.

The effort is estimated to 4 -6 hours per week



Participation and Certification

Participation is open and unlimited. The MOOC offers free (no fee) enrollment to anyone anywhere with network access.

In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, the MOOC will provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions among learners, tutors, teaching assistants and mentors, as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments.

After the successful completion of the MOOC, you will get a certificate on “STE(A)M education for educators” issued by the Erasmus+ STEAMonEdu Consortium.

Are you interested in joining the MOOC?

For more information about the MOOC and for registration, you may visit