
Press release of the CHOICEE online inaugural meeting

logo-choiceThe inaugural online meeting of the CHOICE project, co-financed by the European Commission Erasmus +, took place on 14 January 2022 in Rome, Italy. The DAISSy research team participates in n the Consortium through Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”.

The project is funded by the Commission’s Erasmus + 2021-2027 program.

Hosted by the “DEEP BLUE SRL” 16 people participated in an online meeting, representing all project partners from Italy, Greece, Poland, Romania and Turkey.

CHOICE is an Erasmus + project lasting 24 months (December 2021 – November 2023).

CHOICE points to developing sustainable behaviours and lifestyles in various target groups, from teachers and students, to their families and local communities, thus engaging citizens in EU’s Green Transition from a grassroot level. The project also strives to upskill teachers and education professionals by training them into diverse and multidisciplinary teaching methodologies that will help them develop citizenship competences in their students. Citizenship competences are essential to ensure the growth of socially and civically engaged youngsters able and eager to participate in the democratic life.

Through the development of sustainable attitudes and lifestyles in various target groups, from teachers and students, to their families and local communities, thus inspiring citizens in the EU Green Transition.

It will also upgrade teachers and education professionals by training them in a variety of interdisciplinary teaching methodologies that will help them develop global citizenship skills in their students.

The final product of the CHOICE project will be:

  • a set of educational activities to develop the appropriate skills of the young citizen to deal with climate change.
  • It will raise young people’s awareness of sustainable behavior and bring this knowledge to families and communities.
  • It will upgrade the skills of teachers by training them in various and interdisciplinary teaching methodologies that will help them develop in their students the skills that a citizen should have.

If you or your institution are interested in CHOICE and would like to contribute, benefit or just follow the development of the project, you will find us in the following:


Project partners:

  • Ιtaly: DEEP BLUE SRL,  project coordinator
  • Greece: Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”
  • Ιtaly: Consorzio Ro.Ma.
  • Turkey: TEK Ortaokulu
  • Greece:16ο Δημοτικό Λάρισας
  • Poland:Szkola Podstawowa im. Powstancow Wielkopolskich w Jankowie Przygodzkim



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