
DAISSy-HOU links BIBLIO with the T4SVEN EU project!

biblio-logoThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (#DAISSy #HOU), the Greek project partner, links BIBLIO (#digitalskills , @DigitalBiblio) with the “T4SVEN” EU project currently undergoing (KA226-A8A482F6).

More precisely, the #T4SVEN project (Training 4 Skills in Virtual Environment) aims to develop a methodological framework and pilot an online training course to support Vocational Education Training (VET) teachers in the application of digital technologies to sector-specific skills training in digital or blended learning environments.

Through the T4SVEN activities, the VET trainers will improve their competencies, motivation and self-efficacy to create and deliver training in a virtual environment and positively reflect on the quality of remote work-based teaching and learning in the VET sector.

This will be achieved first by identifying a concept framework (Review, analysis and proposal of a conceptual framework of the digital pedagogy in VET, with a special focus on WBL), then by developing a digital course curriculum and a digital course focus on WBL, to continue by formulating a game-based, virtual reality educational platform and completing through a peer evaluation of the framework for VET teachers.

logo-t4svenThe T4SVEN project will equally strengthen international cooperation in the digital transformation of education and advance the inclusiveness of VET by developing an open source methodology for further transfer and adaptation.

In terms of impact, the improved competencies, motivation and self-efficacy of VET teachers will benefit their cooperation with workplace trainers.

It is noteworthy, that based on the positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning at their institutions, VET providers will increase their digital readiness and ensure the transfer of competencies, pedagogy and technology across their institutions. In terms of long-term benefits, an innovative, open-source framework and course carries a high multiplication potential for transfer and adaptation by education providers, workplace trainers, policymakers and other stakeholders on both national and European levels, in VET and beyond, to allow further scope for creativity, innovation and sustainability.

The BIBLIO findings will be transferred effectively by DAISSy Research Group of HOU within the implementation of the T4SVEN training methodology, the current development of the project MOOC and the formulation of the game-based, virtual reality educational platform so that the beneficiaries of both projects fully gain from this valuable exchange of experience.

Find out more about the T4SVEN newsletter and the interrelation of T4SVEN findings with BIBLIO:

The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU is the Greek partner of the BIBLIO project (ERASMUS+ / 612411-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA) and implements it, in cooperation with the Distance Library and Documentation Centre (DLIC) of the HOU, associate partner.

Stay tuned and find out more information about the BIBLIO project as well as other activities of the DAISSy-HOU:


The first transnational training activity of the TEGA project and the transnational plenary meeting in Athens

On 20-22 June 2022, at the premises of Hellenic Open University in Athens, DAISSy group organised the 1st transnational training activity of the European project TEGA – Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the Use of Serious Games.

A total of 18 trainees participated, who are lecturers and/or researchers at Lusófona University, London South Bank University (LSBU), Vilnius University and Hellenic Open University.

During the three-day training, the trainees participated in a Lego Serious Play workshop organized and coordinated by Mr. Byron Damasiotis, researcher with DAISSy group. Subsequently, the first version of the TEGA Toolkit was presented by the partners from LSBU and, based on the proposed methodology, the trainees carried out group practical assignments of analog game design, while evaluating the TEGA Toolkit. Moreover, Mr. Rizos Chaliampalias, researcher with DAISSy group, presented and explained the mechanisms identified in board games, while the partners from Lusófona University presented the specific topic of inclusive design of board games. The training concluded with playgame sessions using specific board games and evaluating them in terms of their degree of inclusivity.

On 23 & 24 June the 3rd transnational meeting of the project partners took place during which the next steps in the development of the deliverables, the roles and deadlines were discussed.

The main goal of the TEGA project is to develop a game-based teaching strategy in order to change the traditional pedagogical practices in Higher Education. This approach is expected to enhance the academic skills of lecturers in Universities, as well as students’ learning process.

The DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (@DAISSyResearchGroup), is involved in all work packages, undertaking the development of the online platform that will support the project’s community of practice, a pan-European network of people who develop games and integrate them into the educational process.


More information about the TEGA project and the activities of DAISSy Research Group:


Transnational Project Meeting for “SparkDigiGirls – Empowering Girls’ Creativity Through Use of Digital Technologies“

The DAISSy Group of Hellenic Open University successfully organized the most recent partners’ meeting for the Erasmus+ project SparkDigiGirls. The meeting was held in Athens, 07-08 June 2022, and was attended by representatives from every member of the project Consortium. It was the first time in 2022 that we managed to meet each other live, despite the ongoing challenges caused by the lingering pandemic.



Guided by the project Coordinator, “Viesieji internet prieigos taskai” / “Rural Internet Access Points, there was a comprehensive discussion on both days of the meeting.

On the first day, after a short review of our joint activities so far, we talked about our current commitments: we have been developing online courses to aid young girls familiarize themselves with modern digital technologies and to exercise their creativity, finding solutions to practical problems and acquiring skills in areas typically preferred by boys. Every partner is responsible for producing innovative educational material on two relevant subjects (e.g. artificial intelligence, robotics), combining interesting theory and fun applications that will be available completely free of charge via a dedicated e-platform! We exchanged useful ideas, we paid attention to possible risks and we tried the online learning platform on the spot.

On the second day, we talked about evaluating learning outcomes. We wish to make sure that girls following our online curriculum will actually gain knowledge by trying our material, and we think that elements of gamification will be very useful in keeping them interested. Afterwards, we talked about the next steps of the project: the pilot run of our platform during the upcoming autumn and a subsequent female role model campaign; we plan to launch a campaign of job orientation to encourage girls towards the still male-dominated STEM and ICT fields – the campaign will focus on stories of women who have achieved success in their careers.

The meeting was concluded with a summary of administration and management issues, as well as everybody’s renewed promise to continue our work with the same enthusiasm and inspiration!

sparkG1For more information about the project SparkDigiGirls and other DAISSy news, follow us:

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Lecture on DELTA course in DIGITARCH summer school, Bologna – Italy

On Monday 11th July 2022, at 10 – 12 CET, Mrs. Panagiota Polymeropoulou, Senior Researcher in the DAISSy Research Group – Hellenic Open University, gave an online lecture on “Digital Excavation through Learning and Training in Archaeology – DELTA project” for the summer school held within the Digital Collections Curator for Archaeology – DIGITARCH project. Panagiota was presenting the Digital Excavation course and introducing Module 4 “Open -air Museums and Experimental Archaeology”, with a focus on Public Archaeology.

The summer school was organized from 20 June until 15 July 2022 by the Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy with Scientific coordinator Professor Antonella Coralini and with collaboration of the Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia and the Civic Museum of Modena. It aimed at those who currently work, or are planning to work in the cultural sector, willing to acquire skills as a Curator of Digital Collections with a focus on material and immaterial archaeological heritage, ranging from museums to excavations. The summer school offered a high-level and unique international training aimed at putting into practice the digital and technological competences of students and professionals working on heritage, with a special focus on the archaeological field, in line with the job profile of the Digital Collection Curator. The summer school attended 17 participants, with the majority of students (70,59%%) coming from different cities in Italy and the 35,29% having a master’s degree in Archaeology, Visual Arts or Cultural Studies.

More information:



2η Διακρατική Συνάντηση Εκπαιδευτικών Οργανισμών στη Λάρισα στο πλαίσιο του ερευνητικού ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος Erasmus+ CHOICE «CitizensHip cOmpetences to tackle clImate ChangEs»

choice-meetingΜε επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 9 και 10 Ιουνίου 2022, στην πόλη της Λάρισας, η 2η Διακρατική Συνάντηση Έργου στα πλαίσια του ερευνητικού ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος Erasmus+ Key Action KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education, με τίτλο CHOICE «CitizensHip cOmpetences to tackle clImate ChangEs».

Στη συνάντηση διοργάνωσε το 16ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο ενώ συμμετείχαν οχτώ συνεργάτες από πέντε διαφορετικές χώρες (Ιταλία, Ελλάδα, Πολωνία, Ρουμανία και Τουρκία), μεταξύ των οποίων το Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών & Εκδόσεων (ΙΤΥΕ) «Διόφαντος», το ερευνητικό κέντρο DeepBlue που είναι και ο συντονιστής του έργου (Ιταλία),  το κέντρο Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης ConsorzioRo.Ma (Ιταλία), το ARC school (Ρουμανία), το Primary School in Janków Przygodzki (Πολωνία), το TEK Secondary School (Τουρκία) και το  Istituto Magistrale Statale Giordano Bruno (Ιταλία). To ITYE αντιπροσώπευσαν οι καθηγητές του Παν. Θεσσαλίας Πάνος Φιτσιλής και Βύρων Δαμασιώτης.

Σκοπός το έργου είναι να υποστηρίξει την ανάπτυξη των ικανοτήτων του πολίτη σε μαθητές πρωτοβάθμιας και δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, δίνοντάς τους τη δυνατότητα να συμβάλουν στην καταπολέμηση της κλιματικής αλλαγής μέσω της υιοθέτησης βιώσιμων συμπεριφορών. Συγκεντρώνοντας την τεχνογνωσία οι συνεργάτες του έργου θα προσπαθήσουν να πραγματοποιήσουν το κοινό όραμα για την παροχή γνώσης και την ανάπτυξη ικανοτήτων των μαθητών, αλλά και για τον εφοδιασμό  των  εκπαιδευτικών με νέες διδακτικές μεθοδολογίες και την παροχή των απαραίτητων εργαλείων για να δεσμεύσουν τους μαθητές, ώστε να έχουν μεγαλύτερη επίγνωση και συνείδηση των επιπτώσεων της καθημερινότητάς τους   στο περιβάλλον. Η πιλοτική εφαρμογή θα γίνει μέσα από ένα σύνολο καινοτόμων εργαστηριακών δραστηριοτήτων εκπαίδευσης που θα αναπτυχθεί για τους μαθητές και τις οικογένειές τους. (



Tο έργο “Οπτικοακουστικό Εργαστήριο Δημιουργικής Γραφής & Ανάγνωσης για την προώθηση της κριτικής σκέψης και του Γραμματισμού στα μέσα Επικοινωνίας” (CrAL) φιλοξενήθηκε από το Σύλλογο Διδασκόντων του Πειραματικoύ Γυμνασίου του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών!

Η Ερευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy του  Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου (ΕΑΠ), ανταποκρίθηκε πρόθυμα στην πρόσκληση του Πειραματικού Γυμνασίου του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών να ενημερώσει τους/τις εκπαιδευτικούς του Σχολείου για τo Ευρωπαϊκό Erasmus+ KA3 έργο CrAL- Creative Audiovisual Lab for the promotion of critical thinking and Media Literacy. Η παρουσίαση του έργου CrAL πραγματοποιήθηκε με online σύνδεση (μέσω webex meetings) της ερευνητικής ομάδας DAISSy με το Σύλλογο Διδασκόντων του Σχολείου.

Κατά τη διάρκεια της παρουσίασης με τίτλο  “Γραμματισμός στα Μέσα Επικοινωνίας και Συμπεριληπτική εκπαίδευση στο πλαίσιο του έργου CrAL  υπογραμμίστηκε η μεγάλη ανάγκη των νέων  14-19 ετών να αποκτήσουν οπτικοακουστική παιδεία καθώς τα μέσα επηρεάζουν την καθημερινή τους ζωή, τις απόψεις και τις σκέψεις τους.  Παρουσιάστηκαν ο σκοπός, οι στόχοι του έργου, τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα και η καινοτόμος μεθοδολογία Οπτικοακουστική Δημιουργική Γραφή και Ανάγνωση. Έγινε επίσης αναφορά στην συμμετοχή του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου (ΕΑΠ) – Ερευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy στην δημιουργία της πλατφόρμας του έργου και των Κοινοτήτων Πρακτικής που θα αναπτυχθούν στο έργο.

Στην παρουσίαση, η οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε την Τετάρτη, 29 Ιουνίου 2022,  συμμετείχαν ο Διευθυντής του Σχολείου κ. Σχοινάς Βασίλειος και 17 ακόμη εκπαιδευτικοί οι οποίοι παρευρέθηκαν στο Γραφείο του Πειραματικού Γυμνασίου του Πανεπιστημίου. Το έργο προκάλεσε το ενδιαφέρον των εκπαιδευτικών οι οποίοι/-ες έθεσαν ερωτήσεις και εξέφρασαν θετικά σχόλια για το έργο, ενώ αρκετοί/-ές από τους/τις συμμετέχοντες/-ουσες εκδήλωσαν ενδιαφέρον για  να συμμετάσχουν στην εκπαίδευση και τη πιλοτική εφαρμογή που θα ακολουθήσει στο πλαίσιο του έργου.

Ενημερωθείτε και εσείς για το έργο CrAL!

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το έργο CrAL και άλλες δράσεις της Eρευνητικής OμάδαςDAISSy:


UN SDG Hackathon organized by the DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University!

The DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University successfully organized a Hackathon event between 19 and 20 May 2022 in the framework of the Erasmus+ /KA2 research project «HE-ENTREDIGCOMP – Development of Entrecomp and Digcomp Framework in Higher Education». The Hackathon event, held live at the premises “Gaiopolis” of the University of Thessaly in Larissa, had the «We work together and we suggest solutions to problems relevant to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations». During its course, Higher Education students developed innovative ideas for products and services based on technology and in line the goals for sustainable development set by the United Nations in 2015. The whole event was offered free of charge to all participants.




The Hackathon event was an amazing experience of learning, collaboration and creativity. On the first day, students had the opportunity to get to know each other, form groups, learn more about the topic of the event and study the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the  United Nations (UN SDGs). On the second day, they were trained in entrepreneurial thinking, they became familiar with and used tools of strategic planning, they discussed, they suggested solutions and they created “prototypes”, i.e. models of technological solutions to problems faced by the modern world. In total, 5 different prototypes were submitted.

At the end of the second day, a special committee formed by Higher Education teachers evaluated the prototypes, issued awards and distributed certificates of attendance. The evaluation itself was supported by all participants, who expressed their own opinions via Mentimeter, an online voting application. The evaluation criteria, apart from overall relevance to at least one of the 17 UN SDGs and the use of technology, included the degree of creativity-innovation, feasibility and sustainability shown by each different idea.

The first solution, Dr. ROB, was submitted by Anna-Maria Vlachogianni, Anthi Mavrika, Eirini-Chrysovalantou Bourgoudi, Marvina Petsani and Pavlina-Christina Fragkogoula. The solution refers to SDG N. 3 – Good Health and Well-Being and focuses on the creation of a robot (with an alert button or/and in combination with a drone) so that basic medical services can be offered to residents of remote areas.

The second solution, P-SPY, was submitted by Elissavet Brakai, Aristea Bitzakou, Edlira Chotza and Eleftherios Chalkidis, and refers to SDG N. 11 – Sustainable cities and communities. The solution focuses on using an application for mapping urban centres and locating parking spots depending on vehicle size, passenger category (children, seniors, patients etc) and driver profile (private citizens, professionals etc). This way, unnecessary transport can be avoided, thus helping reduce atmospheric pollution, fuel consumption, and people’s fatigue and irritation.

The third solution, Security Light, was submitted by Christodoulos Kikas, Eleni Motsenigou, Georgia Kozaki, Elli Petsouki and Charalampos Bantis, referring to SDG N. 11 – Sustainable cities and communities. The solution presents an idea for keeping citizens safe while saving energy. Specifically, via a dedicated application, citizens have the option to activate public lighting (LEDs, solar-energy based lights etc with smart, digital features) in areas like parks and remote streets at night.

The other two solutions submitted were:

ECO2ffee, by Konstantinos Gkatziouras, Kalliopi Gkontia, Eleni Zoumbounelli, Eirini Orchanissi, Thomas Tsaras, referring to SDG N. 13 – Climate Action; the solution suggests collecting raw material remaining from producing coffee drinks and utilizing it in creating cosmetics and biofuel.

RoboSea, by Konstantinos Gennitseftsis, Alexandra Karachatzi, Dimitris Margaritis, Irena Balla, Theofilos Petsos, referring to SDG N. 14 – Life Below Water; the solution suggests creating a submarine robot to collect rubbish on the bottom of seas and lakes, contributing to overall water quality.

The DAISSy Group congratulates all teams for their enthusiasm and active involvement in the event! The best ideas developed during Hackathon Events organized by all partners of the project He-Entredigcomp will be included in a special Guide for Entrepreneurial Projects in Higher Education, while representatives of the winning teams will be offered the chance to travel to Ankara in Turkey in order to attend the Multiplier Event of the Project and to present their prototype.


DAISSy participation in the 2nd transnational meeting of Working Smart partners

On June 13 & 14,2022, the CPU in Ljubljana (Slovenjia), hosted the 2nd transnational meeting of the partners of the European project WorkingSmart – Smart working and Open Learning.

The meeting was attended in person by partners from IPRA/MEDEF Auvergne Rhone Alpes IPRA/MEDEF AUVERGNE RHONE ALPES, members of the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), aiComply S.r.l., INMEDIA SOLUTIONS S.l., the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Institute of Business Education, Slovenia (GOSPODARSKA ZBORNICA SLOVENIJE CENTER ZA POSLOVNO USPOSABLJANJE). Partners from FUNDACIO PER A LA UNIVERSITAT OBERTA DE CATALUNYA (UOC) and members of the DAISSy research team participated online. During the two-day meeting, the consortium had the opportunity to discuss issues regarding the work packages currently underway, as well as to plan the steps to be completed in the next period for the remaining packages.

On the first day 13/06/2022 the meeting started with an overview of the project management in relation to quality assurance and evaluation for the work that has been undertaken and is expected to commence in the near future. An evaluation report for the first six months of the project was presented to the partners and the partners introduced their external partners and advisory board and how they plan to work with them and their contribution to the project.

The UOC team presented some changes regarding the questionnaire to be created and answered questions about the timing and how the questionnaire will be conducted. The partners agreed to have periodic updates on the progress of the survey and the number of participants.

On the 2nd day 14/06/2022 the aiComply S.r.l. team provided an update on the work to be carried out to create the platform and the timeline plan. The first step concerns the design of the platform. The consortium will have to confirm the characteristics and structure of the platform.

Furthermore, an example of Moodle was presented as an example of an online education platform and the partners discussed how the structure could be easy to use and attractive to users. They also discussed the possibility of granting a certificate and what criteria would be used to award it.

The CPU team presented the description of the deliverable concerning the participant training package, the actions, the methodology and the implementation schedule. The consortium discussed about the content of the methodology, the creation of the training videos and the translations that will need to be implemented.

The project coordinator, IPRA/MEDEF Auvergne Rhone Alpes IPRA/MEDEF AUVERGNE RHONE ALPES, presented statistics and mentioned how important it is to disseminate the project and share information about it.

The aiComply S.r.l. team presented a draft of the project website. All information will be available in each national language of the consortium. The LinkedIn link related to the project is on the page as well as the options to subscribe to the newsletters. The goal is to have updated published material at a consistent and sufficient frequency.

Regarding the newsletters, the InMedia team presented the dissemination plan for the project. The consortium discussed about information assurance and data protection.

For more information on the WorkingSmart project and other DAISSy projects and activities:

intour (2)

The info day of the Chamber of Ileia and the DAISSy Research Group of HOU on “Vocational training in accessible Tourism” was successfully completed

On June 9, 2022, at the Ileia Chamber of Commerce in Pyrgos, a dissemination event took place in the context of the Erasmus+ project “IN-TOUR – INclusive TOURism Professions. European Curricula For Accessible Tourism Manager And Frontline Staff”.

In his opening speech, the President of the Ileia Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, welcomed the event as an important step in highlighting the contribution of accessible Tourism to the Tourism growth, its interconnection with the cultural heritage and the role of vocational training as a tool for professional development, but also as a link to employment policies.

The event was greeted, online, by Dr. Achilles Kameas, Professor at Hellenic Open University, Head of the DAISSy Research Group, who presented the research projects and activities of the DAISSy Group.

Then Ms. Vicky Maratou and Ms. Panagiota Polymeropoulou, Researchers with the DAISSy Group, presented the European curricula of IN-TOUR, as well as the new professional profiles for the manager and the frontline staff in accessible Tourism. As they mentioned, next October, the Hellenic Open University, through the Center for Training and Lifelong Learning, will offer the two courses, one for each profile.

The importance of accessible Tourism for Tourism growth was the main speech topic of both Mr. Ivor Ambrose, Managing Director and Mrs. Katerina Papamichael, Accessibility Expert of the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), who presented good practices, measurable indicators as well as strategies and concrete steps to highlight the economic and development dimension of accessible Tourism, in order to be incorporated as a valuable tool in the design of relevant measures and policies.

After a short break, the event continued with the presentation of Mr. Konstantinos V. Antonopoulos, MSc Archaeologist, Ephorate of Antiquities of Ileia, who presented the very interesting recent actions and achievements regarding accessibility in the archeological sites and museums of the Region of Ileia.

The event closed with the speech of Ms. Panagiota Stathopoulou, Employment Counsellor, DYPA, who focused on the importance of the integration of training in accessible Tourism, and the employment policies that could actively support companies in the search for qualified and highly skilled personnel.

The event was attended, among others, by representatives of the Members of Parliament for Ileia, members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Ileia, representatives of DYPA, representatives of hotel and tourist units, VET providers, students, tour operators and others.

The event was streamed online through the official YouTube channel of the Chamber of Ileia and is available here. The event was mentioned in the local press.

For more information visit:

  • Web site        :
  • Facebook      : @DAISSyResearchGroup, @InTourProject
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  • Instagram     : @daissy_researchgroup
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