
Multiplier event of the UPDATE project “The utilization of digital solutions in vocational education and training”

DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University organized a dissemination event of the project UpDATE- User-friendly Practical Distance Active Training Experience (http://update-project.eu/ ) under the title “The utilization of digital solutions in vocational education and training”.

The event took place on Friday 11th November 2022, at 18:00, in the “Byzantino” Hotel in Patras, Greece, with participants coming from the vocational education and training sector, both teachers/trainers and representatives of VET organizations, representatives of digital solutions providers and representatives of institutional education bodies.

The event started with a welcome address by Dr.Spyridon Papadakis, Organizational Coordinator of the Regional Centre for Educational Planning of Western Greece and his intervention on the need for the vocational education and training sector to utilize modern digital solutions in order to upgrade the content and effectiveness of education.

In addition, Dr. Achilleas Kameas, Professor at the School of Science and Technology and director of the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University, presented the group’s scientific interests, activities and the numerous projects it implements.

Later on, the participants had the opportunity to be informed about the objectives, expected results and actions of the UPDATE project by Mr. Konstantinos Potsis and Ms. Panagiota Polymeropoulou, key members of the project team, while the first deliverable of the project was presented and more specifically a report on good practices in the implementation of digital solutions in vocational education and training across Europe and popular useful digital solutions: http://update-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/UPDATE-IO1-Greek-compressed.pdf.

Finally, there were two more presentations on DAISSy research group’s projects that contribute to digital readiness in the fields of education and vocational training, namely the DigiPath project – “Enhancing the readiness of Vocational Training teachers for digital education” – by Ms. Vicky Maratou, and the Agile2Learn project – “Developing the professional skills of teachers and students” – by Dr. Katerina Nikolakopoulou.

The general objective of UPDATE project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme 2021-2027, is to improve the quality of vocational training delivered by VET organisations – in view of increasing the learning opportunities, inclusion and training success of learners, as well as their employability – reinforcing the trainers and tutors’ abilities to implement forms of blended and distance didactic and apply the new technologies to the training activities of high practical and manual content (specific feature of vocational training).

For more information about the project and the other activities of DAISSy research group:


2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the WINBIZ project: Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone

The second transnational project meeting of WINBIZ: Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone was successfully organized on 3-4 November 2022 in the premises f thr Hellenic Open University in Patras, Greece.

The representatives of the project’s partner organizations – Apsu – Associacao portuguesa de startups from Portugal, European Grants International Academy SRL from Italy, Bildungsgesellschaft Gemeinnutzige GMBH from Germany, C.E.S. Academy from the Republic of North Macedonia, Association For Social Innovation from Romania and members of the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (ΗΟU) from Greece – discussed the project’s current state and next steps, regarding management and financial issues, project results dissemination plan and quality assurance.

Moreover, there were presentations and discussions regarding the main project results and guidelines on the proper implementation and finalization of the project’s deliverables, like WINBIZ Social Report, WINBIZ Trainer Toolkit, WINBIZ Training course and WINBIZness Plans catalogue.

The WINBIZ project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme 2021-2027, involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the acquisition and development of personal, transversal and specific competencies and skills necessary for their full integration/ reintegration in the European labour market, thus generating well-being for themselves and for the society they live in.  The main objective of the project is to encourage the higher qualification of adult migrant women with a medium or high level of education through training and coaching, allowing them to acquire and develop personal, transversal, and entrepreneurial skills and abilities necessary for their inclusion in the labour market, promoting their empowerment and social integration, so that they can produce wealth for themselves and society. Through educational training, WINBIZ intends to promote women’s social self-entrepreneurship to generate systemic impact and contribute to the promotion of a sustainable, inclusive, and innovative civic economy model.



For more information about the project and the other activities of DAISSy research group:


ASB and Hellenic Open University step in for migrant and refugee Women Entrepreneurship!

logo-winbizIn the frame of the Skills Development and Employability Support pillar of the «Harmonising Protection Practices in Greece» (HARP), ASB hosted the DAISSy Research Group – Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Sociotechnical Systems of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) – for an info-session on Women entrepreneurship, with the support of DG HOME and in cooperation with IOM.

The info-session took place on 31/08/2022 at ASB’s premises in Ioannina and was addressed to women from migrant and refugee backgrounds, who had the opportunity to be informed about the benefits of entrepreneurship and especially social entrepreneurship, and how it can enhance their social and economic integration prospects.

The members of the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University presented the upcoming project activities of:

  • WINBIZ: Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone (https://www.winbizproject.eu/ ), which involves migrant women or women with a non-Western background, with medium-high levels of education, in a training pathway aimed at enabling the acquisition and development of personal, transversal and specific competencies and skills necessary for their full integration/ reintegration in the European labour market through entrepreneurship, thus generating well-being for themselves and for the society they live in.
  • REInSER: Refugees’ Economic Integration through Social Entrepreneurship,

with main objective the improvement of the economic, and consequently wider, integration of refugees in host societies of the ADRION programme area by using approaches of social economy and in particular social entrepreneurship and by tapping the potential of networking and knowledge transfer of transnational as well as cross-sectional cooperation of key stakeholders.

, which are co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme 2021-2027 and the the Interreg ADRION Programme, respectively.

Video of the Info-Session:

For more information about the project and the other activities of DAISSy research group:

  • Website: http://daissy.eap.gr
  • Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
  • Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
  • Twitter: @daissy_research
  • Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
  • Email: info@daissy.eap.gr

Πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος για δύο προγράμματα επιμόρφωσης στον συμπεριληπτικό Τουρισμό!

intour-ekdilosi-endiaferontosΑνήκεις στο προσωπικό πρώτης γραμμής ή είσαι μάνατζερ και θέλεις να επιμορφωθείς στον προσβάσιμο τουρισμό;

Δήλωσε το ενδιαφέρον σου τώρα στη φόρμα: https://lnkd.in/dnPMSzQg

Επίλεξε ΕΝΑ από τα 2 Προγράμματα του Προσωπικού πρώτης γραμμής για τον προσβάσιμο Τουρισμό ή του Στελέχους διαχείρισης (manager) για τον προσβάσιμο Τουρισμό.

Ημερομηνία έναρξης: 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Τα Προγράμματα θα διατεθούν δωρεάν από το ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ – Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο.

Η φόρμα εγγραφής άνοιξε!

Μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε σε ένα από τα δύο προγράμματα ακολουθώντας τον σύνδεσμο https://apps.eap.gr/kedivim/web/

Η φόρμα εγγραφής θα είναι ανοικτή μέχρι 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2022.”


IPR4SC Project Description

IPRSC-eu-logoTitle: Developing skills in Intellectual Property Rights Open Data for sustainability and circularity

Acronym: IPR4SC

Programme: Erasmus+

Project Number: 101056129 — IPR4SC — ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO

Start – End Date: 01/06/2022 – 31/05/2025

Duration: 36 months

Action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants

Funding: Agency European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Total Project Funding €1.096.804,00

Project Homepage: https://www.ipr4sc.eu/

Status: Ongoing

Can IPR protection processes apply effectively, be facilitated and co-evolve within the uprising Open Resources, Circular and Sustainable ecosystems’ environment? What does it take to make it so?

The IPR4SC project targets the lack of intellectual property informatics and management skills, the so called ‘IP for business’ skills that are enriched with green, digital and entrepreneurial attributes. Their lack impose a significant barrier to the successful engagement of new, digitally empowered transitions towards increased sustainability and circularity, green and accelerated economic growth achievement. The general aim of the project is to increase the innovation capacity of EU inventors being trained in HE and VET organizations, in designing and implementing sustainable and circular economy businesses by boosting their ‘IP for business’ skills.

The project will develop educational offerings to be delivered by the HEI and VET providers that are adapted to the various target groups, foster the utilization of open resources, and facilitate the process of putting ‘IP for business’ into practice.

IPR4SC is focused on the following target groups: HEIs and technology transfer offices, spin-outs, and students from technical, natural and business sciences; VETs and their learners, as well as SMEs – especially start-ups. Other stakeholders, such as patent offices, IP lawyers, large companies and policymakers are also targeted.

The invoked partners will deliver a detailed IP for business skills needs analysis, develop an IT tool (IPR Monitor) as a navigating, decision-tree-based online tool, design and deliver the Innovation and Intellectual Property for Green (I2P) for Green course and modules (IP for green skills), the Simulation lab (IP for digital skills), and the innovative format of an IP Co-design Jam (strengthening entrepreneurial skills). The project is co-developed and co-delivered by a partnership of 4 universities, 2 technology & innovation providers, 2 VET providers, and 2 partners supporting the consortium by providing professional services in project management and dissemination. A number of associated partners, including patent offices and other organisations are also involved.

Project Outcomes

The project aims to increase the innovation capacity of EU inventors, trained in HE and VET organizations, in designing and implementing sustainable and circular economy businesses by boosting IP for business skills.

During IPR4SC a number of educational offerings that are adapted to the various target groups will be developed, to be delivered by the HEI and VET providers, through the use of open resources, supporting and putting IP for business into practice.


  • IPR Monitoring report
  • Innovation and IP for Green (I2P) for Green Toolkit
  • I2P for Green course and module
  • Facilitator Handbooks for implementing IPR Simulation Labs for digital skills and IP Co-Design Jam methodology, training materials and workshops (IP for Entrepreneurship)



  7. LOGIKA zaloznisko podjetje d.o.o. SI


  1. Patentstyret NO
  3. Entrepreneurial Rise z.b.o. SI


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


DAISSy Research Group organizes event on the topic of skills development in digital energy efficiency

programme-Good DeedsOn Thursday, November 10 2022, from 18:00 to 20:00, the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University, organizes the live event entitled “Skills development in digital energy efficiency” to disseminate the results of the Good Deeds (Digital Energy Efficiency Designers) project. The Good Deeds project is implemented by a consortium of 6 partners from 6 different European countries (Greece, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Portugal and Latvia) and has as its central purpose the development and testing of a methodology and a learning platform for Vocational Education and Training (VET) teachers and students, in order to promote a strategy of continuous and sustainable development of sectoral capabilities for digital energy efficiency.

Moreover, key projects in the field of STEM/STE(A)M education realized by the DAISSy research group will be described. In addition, teachers from primary and secondary education schools of Patra and Agrinio will present activities and emerging needs of STEM/STE(A)M education.

The event will be held at Byzantino hotel, Riga Feraiou Street. 106, Patras. Participation is free and certificates of participation will be given.

For more information for Good Deeds project and the DAISSy research team:


DAISSy / HOU organizes the national event entitled “The use of digital solutions in vocational training and education” within UpDATE project

UPDATE-posterThe DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University invites you to participate in the info day entitled “The use of digital solutions in vocational training and education”, which will take place on Friday 11 November 2022 at 18.00, at the “Byzantino” Hotel in Patras. The event will be in Greek.

The DAISSy research group – HOU participates as a partner in the actions of the project User-friendly Practical Distance Active Training Experience – UPDATE [2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000032930], funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. The UpDATE project (https://www.update-project.eu/), with a duration of 24 months, aims to strengthen and implement a digital ecosystem for vocational training by collecting and developing digital and technological solutions and enhancing the updating of digital skills of vocational education and training teachers and trainers. The overall objective of the project is to improve the quality of vocational training provided by VET organisations – with a view to increasing the learning opportunities, integration and training success of trainees, as well as their employability – by enhancing the capacities of trainers and instructors to implement blended and distance learning formats and to apply new technologies to vocational training activities with a high practical content.

The event is addressed to individuals and representatives of associations, institutions and bodies at local, national and European level. In particular, it is addressed to vocational education and training providers, apprenticeship advisors, vocational training teachers, decision-makers, researchers and education professionals.

Physical participation in the event is open to all. Participants who opt for online attendance will be connected via the Zoom platform. The event will be held in Greek.

Certificates of participation will be provided. For any information, please contact info@daissy.eap.gr

For more information:

  • Website: https://update-project.eu/ – http://daissy.eap.gr
  • Facebook: @update.project.22 – @DAISSyResearchGroup
  • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup
  • Twitter: @daissy_research
  • Email: info@daissy.eap.gr

Press release for the NICHE multiplier event

niche-logoOn Friday 23 September 2022, at 18:00 – 20:00, the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University organized the Greek dissemination event of the results of the European project NICHE, entitled “Enhancing Entrepreneurship in the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage”, at the hotel “Byzantino”, in Patras.

In the first part of the multiplier event, the team of NICHE project presented the objectives, the results of the project as well as the importance of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the professions mapped in the framework of the project, based on the ESCO platform. The NICHE project aimed to map the training needs and then train people employees in the intangible cultural heritage of their country. The NICHE online training programme with 10 modules, which was designed and offered to enhance entrepreneurship in the intangible cultural heritage sector, was also presented.

Important speeches by guest speakers on topics related to intangible cultural heritage followed. Specifically, Mrs. Eleni Kyrioti, Secondary Education Teacher and NICHE trainee, presented the stages of registration of a cultural element in the National Repository, the criteria and examples of intangible cultural heritage that she has identified in the island of Thassos.

From the city of Patras and its Carnival, Mr. Fotis Louridas, as a member of the longest-standing crew of a cultural phenomenon for the city, spoke about his experience and the importance of listing the Carnival of Patras in the National Repository.

Mr. Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, President of the Ilia Chamber of Commerce, made a brief reference to the project “PRONACUL – Cultural heritage as a lever for development”, stressing the importance of a common strategy for the management of cultural and natural heritage in the Adriatic.

The second part of the event, included presentations of two European projects in which the Hellenic Open University participates as partner. DAISSy – EAP researchers presented the BIBLIO project which aims the training of professionals working in libraries and the EUHeritage online course which is offered again in 2022 and registration is open! The EUHeritage project aimed to the training of professionals in cultural management.

The event was attended by 25 people from education and research sector as well as professionals from the field of culture.



DAISSy / HOU participates in the new project «CRISIS – SEER – The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap»

crisis-seer-meetingThe DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University (HOU) (http://daissy.eap.gr/en/) participates in the activities of the new project entitled “SEER – The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap”, which is co-funded by the horizon Europe Programme. The SEER project (with a duration of 36 months) is implemented by a consortium of 6 partners from an equal number of countries (Greece, Cyprus, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Italy), in which internationally recognized institutions/bodies participate in research and formulation of policies related to STE(A)M education, under the coordination of the European Schoolnet (European Schoolnet), whose members are the Ministries Education of European countries. Its main purpose is to study the current status of STE(A)M education in Europe, collect practices and policies, talk to the community of STE(A)M educators through the Scientix platform (http://www.scientix. eu/) and analyze the gaps and needs in order to produce the road map of the implementation of integrated STE(A)M education in Europe.

On October 13 and 14, 2022, the kick off meeting of the project took place in Brussels, hosted by the European School Network. A total of 10 representatives of the project partners participated in the meeting. On the first day, general information about the project was presented and a detailed discussion was held on the implementation methodology during the first year of its time table. Specifically, the work plan to define current trends, goals and innovative practices in STE(A)M education at European level was presented by the University of Education Freiburg, the methodology for analyzing the needs of key stakeholders and the impact of existing gaps in STE(A)M education was presented by the DAISSy research group of the HOU, while the requirements for the development of the STE(A)M education evaluation and certification framework and tools were described by the University of Cyprus. Finally, issues of the visual identity of the project were discussed and a visit was made to the “Future Classroom Lab” space at the facilities of the European School Network. On the second day, issues of communication, visibility and dissemination of the project results were discussed and a brainstorming session regarding the layout and structure of the STE(A)M education roadmap took place.

For more information on the activities of the DAISSy research team:


The DAISSy-HOU presented the BIBLIO activities in Greece within the project TPM and the project event at ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2022

biblio-logoThe “BIBLIO: Boosting digital skills ad competencies for librarians in Europe” EU project is honored to be presented at the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022 focusing on “Shaping DIGITAL transformation with and for ALL” and implemented on-site in Prague (28-30.9.2022)!

More precisely and within the thematic circle of “SHAPING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AT EUROPEAN LEVEL”, a significant workshop entitled “BIBLIO work-based learning and the Digitization Activities of the National Library of the Czech Republic” was implemented on 29th September 2022 (14.15-15.30 CET), where the BIBLIO Work Based Learning (WBL) activities were presented.

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) took part in the event, by emphasizing on the experience gained by the implementation of the BIBLIO WBL activities in Greece and their impact on the library professionals, who joined them. The speech was delivered by Foteini GATOMATI, Project Manager of BIBLIO in DAISSy-HOU, who presented the positive feedback of the WBL trainee experience. She also showcased the innovative ideas to be implemented in Greek libraries, and she explained how they were formed, as a valuable outcome of applying the BIBLIO training methodology, in practice.

A more detailed description of the content is available on the event site, along with the event program.

In addition, the DAISSy-HOU joined the BIBLIO Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) which was implemented on 27th – 28th September 2022 with success. All partners joined it and had the opportunity to an in-depth presentation of how the project evolves in every BIBLIO country, the difficulties faced and the ways to overcome the obstacles, the next steps and milestones to be completed. Emphasis was put on the MOOC evaluation, WBL experience and future dissemination activities.

  • The AD Summit 2022 was implemented on site. In parallel, specific sessions provided the opportunity for online attendance. The events triggered the interest of academics, researchers, policymakers, experts and stakeholders in the digital skills, professionals in the sectors of culture, education, environment, etc.
  • The DAISSy Research Group of HOU is a member of the ALL DIGITAL network, is the Greek partner of the BIBLIO EU project (ERASMUS+ / 612411-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA) and implements it, in cooperation with the Distance Library and Documentation Centre (DLIC) of the HOU, associate partner.

Stay tuned and remember to visit the site of the BIBLIO project and to check the “Stories” of the BILBIO partners! https://www.biblio-project.eu/stories/

For more information about the BIBLIO project as well as other activities of the DAISSy-HOU: