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Call for Papers: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Smart Cities: Recent Trends, Methodologies, and Applications

Worldwide forecasts indicate that the size and population of cities will increase even immense growth will put a strain on resources and pose a major challenge in many aspects of everyday life in urban areas, such as the quality of services in the medical, educational, environmental, public safety, and security sectors, indicatively. us, novel methods of management must be put in place for these cities to continue to be sustainable.e wide adoption of pervasive and mobile computing systems gave rise to the term of “smart cities,” which implies the ability of sustainable city growth by leading to major improvements in city management and life in the above-mentioned sectors and other aspects such as energy efficiency, traffic congestion, pollution reduction, parking space, public safety, and has been made possible in recent years due to the widespread availability of commodity low-power sensors, smart phones, tablets, and the necessary wireless networking infrastructure, which, along with technologies such as AI and management of big data, may be utilized to address the challenges of sustainable urban environments.

In this special issue, articles regarding the use of technologies, methodologies, and applications for smart cities are invited. Authors are encouraged to submit articles mainly describing original research, presenting results that advance the state of the art and fuel more efforts in the future. Review articles are also welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Eabling technologies for smart cities
  • Smart city communications infrastructure
  • Smart cities data storage, ownership, and access methods
  • Ubiquitous sensing and actuation
  • Service discovery and composition
  • IoT architectures, protocols, and algorithms in smart cities
  • ICT solutions for eco-cities (for environmentally friendly transportation, waste management, eco-friendly buildings, etc.)
  • Intelligent transportation systems and vehicular networks
  • Smart sharing systems and sharing economy
  • Smart urban health care
  • Reliability, security, safety, privacy, and trust issues
  • Smart energy grid
  • Smart homes for elderly citizens
  • Data management and big data in smart cities
  • Crowdsensing and crowdsourcing
  • Trends and challenges in smart cities

Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at

Download the call here.


DC-Me-2016 Conference

2nd International Conference on Digital Challenges for Museum Experts

Electra Metropolis Hotel, Athens, Greece

25 November 2016, Athens

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (, in collaboration with the Hellenic National Committee of the International Council of Museums ( ), is organizing for the second consecutive year the International Conference entitled “DC-Me 2: Digital Challenges for Museum Experts”, on Friday 25th November 2016 at the Electra Metropolis Hotel, 15 Mitropoleos street, Athens.

The Conference is supported by the project “Mu.SA: Museum Sector Alliance”, which was approved recently in the European Framework of Erasmus+ / Sector Skills Alliances. The HOU is the coordinating partner of the project, in which participate 11 more partners from Greece, Italy, Portugal and Belgium. The project involves researching and recording the digital skills and competences of the museum professionals, profiling the new occupational roles and developing the corresponding professional development training programs. The aim is the provision of high quality training programmes in digital skills and e‐competences to the personnel of European museums and the Culture sector in general.

In the conference sessions, the emerging needs regarding digital and transferable competences of the Museum professionals will be recorded, due to the constant evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the increasing adoption of ICT technology by the Museums and other cultural organizations. Speakers from Greece and the project countries will present the cultural Agenda of Europe through the European strategies for a Cultural and Creative Europe, the emerging occupational profiles in the Museum sector and contemporary case studies of training culture professionals in digital and transferable competences. During the round tables included in the last session, conference participants will have the opportunity to actively contribute to the conference topics and discussions.

The conference is addressed to cultural heritage institutions and professionals in the Culture sector (staff, managers, board members, and policy‐makers), vocational educational and training organizations (VET), students, social partners and everyone interested from the ICT and Culture sectors and industry.

For more information about the Conference you can contact the Mu.SA Project Leader, Dr. Achilles Kameas, Associate Professor, or the Organizing Committee at:

You can read more information in conference’s site here.




HISTEM-2016 registrations!

Registrations for the conference are now available from here!

Registration fees:

  • 70 Euro prior to December 5, 2016
  • 100 Euro after December 5
  • 25 Euro 2016 University Students

Certificates of attendance will be awarded.


2017 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2017)

Call for Full Papers and Short Papers

2017 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2017) – Towards a Smart and Human-Centered Internet of Things
26-28 April 2017 – Málaga (Spain) –

The 2017 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2017) has a focus on the role of Ambient Intelligence “Towards a Smart and Human-Centered Internet of Things”. It will take place in Málaga, Spain, from 26-28 April 2017. We invite submission of full papers and short papers presenting original research. AmI 2017 is an interdisciplinary venue for leading international researchers, designers, and practitioners that present and discuss new results in Ambient Intelligence.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: 23. December 2016
Author notification: 17. February 2017
Camera-ready deadline: 1. March 2017

Focus Areas

Enabling Technologies, Methods and Platforms
Sensors and Actuators, Reliability and Quality of Sensor Data, Combination of Multiple Sensor Modalities, Indoor vs. Outdoor Tracking, Interactive and Smart Materials and Physical Computing, Modelling Context Awareness and Location-based Services, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Environments, Ambient Intelligence Platforms and Multi-Agent System, Self-organization in Socially Aware Ambient Systems, Emergent and Collective Ambient Intelligence, Evaluation Methods and Techniques for Ambient Intelligence, Living Labs, Context Laboratories, and Experiential Landscapes

Objectives and Approaches of Ambient Intelligence and Internet of Things
Human-Centred Design of Ambient Intelligence Environments, Citizen-Centred Design and Civic Computing, User Requirements for Ambient Intelligence Environments, Security and Privacy as a core theme of Ambient Intelligence, Social Technologies and the Internet of Things, Impact of Ambient Intelligence and IoT on Society

From Information Design to Interaction and Experience Design
Multi-Modal/ Multi-Sensory Interaction, Tangible and Gesture-based Interaction, Implicit vs. Explicit Interaction, Symmetric Interaction in Real and Virtual worlds, Space-Time Dispersed Interaction, Crowd and Swarm-based Interaction

Application Areas of AmI and IoT
Industrial Internet – Industry 4.0, IoT and Logistics, Product Memory, Sustainability and Fair Trade, Smart Homes as opposed to Smart Houses, Ambient Assisted Living, Healthcare and Well-being, Personal Health and Tele-monitoring, Smart Cities and Smart Airports, Media Façades and Urban Computing, Hybrid Cities, Connected Cars and Autonomous Driving, Pervasive Games in Hybrid Worlds, Immersive Entertainment Environments

Submission Requirements

The papers must be anonymized to facilitate blind review. Authors are encouraged to minimize any references that may reveal the identity of the authors and their institutions. Relevant references to an author’s previous research should not be suppressed but instead referenced in a neutral way. Submissions will be accepted and managed using EasyChair ( All papers will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee members.
We support both Full Papers (max. 16 pages) and Short Papers (6 pages) that will be presented at the conference. Details can be found at our homepage

Organizing committee

Program Co-Chairs
Andreas Braun, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD & Fraunhofer Ambient Assisted Living Alliance, Germany
Reiner Wichert, Center for Research in Security and Privacy CRISP, Germany

General Chair
Antonio Maña, Universidad de Málaga & Safe Society Labs, Spain

Honorary Chair
Norbert Streitz, Smart Future Initiative, Germany

Local Organization Chair
Hristo Koshutanski, Univ. de Málaga & Safe Society Labs, Spain

Download here the call for paper!


ABP-2016: Conference Results

Download here the results from the International Conference of the transnational project  «SONET-BULL – Using ICT networking tools with peer learning and crowdsourcing to train school communities to counter student bullying», which took place on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 in Athens.



IME-2016: Conference results

Download here the conference results!



International Conference on Anti-Bullying Practices

The DAISSy research group ( of the Hellenic Open University organizes the International Conference on Anti-Bullying Practices on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, during hours 9.30 – 17.00 at the AMALIA HOTEL, 10 Amalias Av., Athens (located opposite to the National Gardens).

The conference is organized in the context of the transnational project «SONET-BULL – Using ICT networking tools with peer learning and crowdsourcing to train school communities to counter student bullying» (, which is coordinated by HOU.

The Conference will present the project main outcomes: training outline, educational material, learning objects and online peer-learning results, as recorded on the platform, through individual or group projects. Emphasis will be given to the presentation of best practices and educational activities such as those implemented by teachers – members of the Network. The Conference will also discuss contemporary anti-bullying approaches and theories, as well as the exploitation prospects of project results.

The Conference is addressed to members of the educational community (directors of schools, teachers, parents), managers responsible for planning and implementation of educational policies (at Regional offices and School Divisions, School Counselors, persons responsible for scientific and educational guidance), mental health specialists, students and researchers in humanities fields and generally to any person interested in the issue of school bullying.

You can find more information about the conference here.

Download the programme of the conference here!


International Conference IME-2016: Intercultural Mediation in contemporary Europe: challenges and possibilities

Hellenic Open University, with the support of Olympic Training and Consulting (project co-ordinator), organizes the international conference “Intercultural Mediation in contemporary Europe: challenges and possibilities”, in the context of multi-lateral project “TIME: Training Intercultural Mediators for a Multi-cultural Europe” ( The conference will take place on September 8 & 9 2016, in the Airotel Stratos Vassilikos hotel, 114 Michalakopoulou str., Athens, Hellas.

The conference is the third in a series of events organized by the DAISSy research group  of the Hellenic Open University ( during the past years. It is addressed to researchers and practitioners of IM and associated disciplines, including among others social workers and researchers who interact with immigrants, members of immigrant communities, personnel of educational institutions, training centers, NGOs and voluntary organizations, employees of public administration and local authorities.

The conference will promote exploitation of the results of project TIME (Training Intercultural Mediators for a Multicultural Europe), which was funded under Erasmus+, aiming to identify and discuss challenges, explore possibilities, exchange knowledge on practices and interventions and present successful IM policies.

You can find more information about the conference here.

Download the programme of the conference here!


Multiplier event SONETBULL

Σας καλούμε να συμμετάσχετε στην Ημερίδα διάχυσης των αποτελεσμάτων (multiplier event) του διακρατικού έργου «SONETBULLUsing ICT networking tools with peer learning and crowdsourcing to train school communities to counter student Bullying», η οποία θα λάβει χώρα την Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου 2016, 9.30 – 14.00, στο Αμφιθέατρο του Ινστιτούτου Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών & Εκδόσεων, Διόφαντος (Ν. Καζαντάκη, Πανεπιστημιούπολη Ρίου) .

Η εκδήλωση διοργανώνεται από το Ινστιτούτου Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών & Εκδόσεων και το Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, ερευνητική ομάδα DAISSy, το οποίο αποτελεί συντονιστή φορέα-εταίρο του έργου.
Πρόσκληση Ημερίδας

Ατζέντα Ημερίδας

Δήλωση Συμμετοχής


Hellenic Conference on Innovating STEM Education

University of Athens, Greece

In recent years, there has been a focus on promoting the uptake of STEM subjects in schools. This has been driven by the need to ensure that young people gain the knowledge and skills essential to help them participate in a society in which mathematics, science and technology are increasingly important. Nevertheless, reform efforts, including curriculum development have treated the STEM subjects mostly in isolation. Recognizing that education within the individual STEM disciplines has great value and that efforts to improve discipline-centered teaching and learning should continue, this conference considers the potential benefits—and challenges—of an explicit focus on integration. In order to prepare students to address the problems of our society, it is necessary to provide students with opportunities to understand the problems through rich, engaging, and powerful experiences that integrate the disciplines of STEM.

The conference provides a platform for dissemination of best practice in teaching and learning in Greece, and will inspire and empower STEM educators to improve teaching quality, to Increase engagement in STEM education and career pathways, to connect students with real life industry relevancy, and to drive creativity, inquiry based learning, problem-solving & project based learning.

Read more information about the HiSTEM2016 Conference here