DAISSy-HOU participated in the 3rd Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the TOUR-X project
The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) participated in the 3rd Transnational Partners’ Meeting (TPM) of the “TOUR-X” European project, that was organized on 21st and 22nd May 2024, by the “European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)”, project partner, in Brussels, Belgium. DAISSy-HOU was represented at the TPM by Achilles Kameas, Professor at HOU and Director of DAISSy as well as Panagiota Polymeropoulou, Senior Researcher of DAISSy-HOU.
The TPM provided a favorable basis for the discussion on the ongoing tasks as well as the activities foreseen in all work packages (WPs), putting emphasis on crucial parameters of success. More precisely, DAISSy-HOU being one of the five Greek project partners, is the task leader of the development of the “Quality Box” for increase of the quality in VET, through feedback loops and graduate tracking systems, as well as the creation and maintenance of a “Watch Tower” for regional skills needs in the Tourism sector. The Research Group is also actively involved in all TOUR-X deliverables, being in charge of the TOUR-X activities in Greece as member of the Greek Knowledge Triangle, leading the development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) educational electronic platform and the development and maintenance of the Graduate Students’ Tracking System (GSTS) tool.
With regard to the TPM, Panagiota Polymeropoulou, Senior Researcher of DAISSy, delivered a presentation about the “Quality Box for the increase of the quality in VET through feedback loops and develop graduate tracking systems” and the Graduate Students’ Tracking System (GSTS) online platform setting the milestones and specific actions for partners involved, in achieving the key indicators of the task. The main objective of the TOUR-X tracking system is to collect feedback from Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education Institution (HEI) students, graduates as well as final-year undergraduates. The system aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of educational programs, improve communication between education providers and employers, and support the continuous improvement of training programs and services, in the tourism sector.
TOUR-X is a four-year project (June 2022-May 2026), co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, that envisions to create excellence in Tourism through a bottom-up approach where the Education providers of the partnership will enhance their ability to adapt skills provision to everchanging economic and social needs. It is a Center of Vocational Excellence (COVE) Project for the Tourism Industry, which brings together twenty three (23) experienced partners, representing the most prominent VET providers, the Tourism sector as well as Regional Authorities from seven (7) countries (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany and China).
For more information about the TOUR-X project as well as other activities of the DAISSy-HOU:
- Websites: http://daissy.eap.gr/en/ and https://tour-x.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup and https://www.facebook.com/tourxcoves
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/tourxcoves
- X (Former Twitter): https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup and https://www.instagram.com/tourxcoves/
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
Info Day «Entrepreneurship as a tool for inclusion: The case of the WINBIZ project» by DAISSy-HOU, within the WINBIZ project
The DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites to the info day entitled « Entrepreneurship as a tool for inclusion: The case of the WINBIZ project», to be organized within the framework of the implementation of the WINBIZ: Women’s Innovative Business Incubation Zone, European project, currently undergoing by DAISSy as the Greek partner. The activity takes place on Wednesday 5 June 2024 at 18.00, in Patras («Vyzantino» Hotel, address: 106 Riga Fereou str.), providing also the possibility of online participation, through the zoom electronic platform.
Specifically, the event is addressed to business support organisations, migrant support organisations, civil society organisations, business incubators, business consultants, business education providers, etc., as well as migrants who are looking for ways to integrate/re-integrate into the European labour market.
The event focuses on the role that entrepreneurship can play in the process of broader integration of migrant women/migrants (economic, social, etc.) in their countries of residence, introduces the specificities of social economy and entrepreneurship, and explains how the developed deliverables of the WINBIZ project can facilitate the path to entrepreneurship and ultimately to integration.
In parallel, the event is linked to the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 campaign, which aims to promote digital skills for inclusion, empowerment and employment across Europe. Specifically, the campaign runs from 13 May to 31 May 2024 and is organized by the ALL DIGITAL network. DAISSy-HOU is a member of the AD network and the National Coordinator of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 campaign, supporting this initiative, encouraging the participation of other stakeholders and enhancing the promotion and dissemination of relevant good practices in Greece, achieving multiplier effects.
More precisely:
- Read the agenda of the event.
- Participation is free of charge and open to all
- Pre-registration is not needed
- Online participation is available through the Zoom electronic platform, by using the following link
It is noteworthy that the WINBIZ project focuses on business training and support for migrant women from non-EU countries with medium-high levels of education, aiming at the acquisition and development of personal, horizontal and specific skills, necessary for their full integration and reintegration into the European labour market, thus creating prosperity both for themselves and for the society they live in.
The WINBIZ is a three-year project funded by the ERASMUS+ European program and implemented by a consortium of six (6) partners representing six (6) European countries (Greece, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Republic of North Macedonia and Germany), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek partner.
For more information on the WINBIZ project, and other activities of DAISSy:
- Website: http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://www.winbizproject.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup, @winbizproject
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/winbizproject/
- Twitter: @daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
DAISSy Research Group of HOU invites Educators and Professionals in Education for their insights in “Accessible Digital Education” – 2nd Survey’s Deadline Extension
DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites to a short survey, as part of the “Accessible Digital EDUcation (ADEDU)” European co-funded project, currently undergoing by the Research Group as the sole academic partner.
Specifically, the survey is addressed to educators and related professionals willing to contribute to the understanding of the challenges and requirements faced by them in addressing learning disabilities within educational methodologies.
Therefore, information will be collected about related experiences and perspectives of working with students affected by learning disabilities, such as the identification of specific learning disabilities, their impact on teaching practices, and the effectiveness of existing support systems.
The insights of the educators and training professionals will aid in comprehending the current educational landscape and in devising strategies to better support educators and students alike, and also enhance inclusive education practices.
Anonymity is guaranteed, and all responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
- Completing the survey is estimated to 10 minutes.
- The deadline for submitting your insights is Tuesday 28th May 2024.
- The survey is accessed through the following link.
- Any inquiries can be expressed by email at nikolakopoulou@iasismed.eu
ADEDU is a thirty-month project, implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from three (3) countries, namely: “All Digital” (Coordinator) and “European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)” (Belgium), “Media Education Centre-MEC” (Serbia), “IASIS” NGO and “DAISSy-HOU” (Greece). DAISSy-HOU is involved in all project activities and is responsible for the technical development of both the project’s website and the platform of ADEDU Course, as well as for the implementation of the Quality Assurance activities.
For more information on the ADEDU project and other projects and activities of the DAISSy-HOU:
- Websites : http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://ad-edu.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- X : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr
Info Day on “#Hate Out!: Building social resilience against online hate” by DAISSy-HOU, within the LEAD-Online project and the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024
The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) and the Interregional Internet Security Network of Greece invites to the info day on “#Hate Out!: Building social resilience against online hate”.
The info day is held online, on Thrursday, 30th May 2024 at 17.00 (CET) and is addressed to teachers, representatives of the civil society, journalists, social media activists and any individual or organisation that wishes and is capable of activating in preventing and combating hate speech online.
The core objective of the event is the utilization of the results of the LEAD-Online: Learn, Engage, Act: Digital Tools to Prevent and Counter Hate Speech Online European project, which was implemented by DAISSy-HOU as the Greek partner, so that to be used as a basis for a strategy to tackle hate speech online. Therefore, it focuses on presenting the innovative digital tools i.e. Hate Out! Game and Hate Speech Self-Assessment Tool, which have been developed under the responsibility of DAISSy-HOU within the framework of the LEAD-Online project. They cope with raising awareness in relation to the level of conscious or unconscious use of hate speech online as well as with the education regarding the ways of reporting it, countering it and supporting victims.
In parallel, the event is linked to the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 campaign, which aims to promote digital skills for inclusion, empowerment and employment across Europe. Specifically, the campaign runs from 13 May to 31 May 2024 and is organized by the ALL DIGITAL network. DAISSy-HOU is a member of the AD network and the National Coordinator of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 campaign, supporting this initiative, encouraging the participation of other stakeholders and enhancing the promotion and dissemination of relevant good practices in Greece, achieving multiplier effects.
More precisely about the info day:
- Participation is free of charge and open to all
- Pre-registration is not needed
- It is held online through the Zoom electronic platform, by using the following link.
- Read the agenda here.
It is noteworthy, that the LEAD-Online project emphasizes on the need to strengthen the critical thinking and the digital skills of young people that seem to be causally related to the low level of reporting and the “normalization” of Hate Speech online. Specifically, the project managed to empower young people, educators, civil society representatives, media and social media activists to become active agents of change.
The LEAD-Online is a two-year project, co-funded by the CERV European program and implemented by a consortium of seven (7) partners representing seven (7) European countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, Cyprus, Romania, Croatia), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek partner.
For more information on the LEAD-Online project, and other activities of DAISSy:
- Websites: http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://www.lead-online.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup, @LEADOnlineEU
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter: @daissy_research, @LEADOnlineEU
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup, @leadonline_eu
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
Invitation by DAISSy-HOU to the survey on “Shaping Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics [STE(A)M] in Europe”
The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites you to participate in the survey on “Shaping Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics [STE(A)M] in Europe” conducted within the framework of the European project “STE(A)M Education European Roadmap project – SEER”, currently undergoing by the Research Group, as the Greek partner.
The aim of STE(A)M Education is to bridge the gap between the demands of the industry and the knowledge as well as the skills of the graduates of education, thereby promoting a harmonious alignment between educational curricula and the needs of the industry and the organizations.
As a result, the participation of professionals from various fields within this framework, is essential. Therefore, DAISSy-HOU addresses this target group and invites them to identify the critical set of skills and competencies required in the organization (industry, company, etc.), being their working environment. Based on their specialized experience and acquired knowledge, they are expected to contribute to the way their organization connects with STE(A)M education.
Additionally, it is necessary to determine the impact of the shortage of STE(A)M graduates on each organization and how the respective industry/organization could support students and teachers in acquiring these skills.
- The survey is international.
- It is conducted through a brief, specially designed questionnaire, available at the following link: https://survey.daissy.eap.gr/index.php/221217?lang=en
- It starts on Friday 17th May 2024, and ends on Friday 17th June 2024.
- Optionally, a brief interview follows the completion of the questionnaire, encouraging exchange and provision of support by DAISSy-HOU to form a comprehensive view on the above issues.
The ultimate goal of the survey is to draw up conclusions regarding the requirements of enhancing the collaboration between industry and STE(A)M education, as well as exploring the ways to implement STE(A)M education more effectively. at every level and type of education in the future.
For more information about the “The SEER” project and other activities of DAISSy-HOU:
- Websites: http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://www.scientix.eu/projects/steam-partnerships/the-seer
- Facebook : @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr
DAISSy Research Group of HOU invites Educators and Professionals in Education for their insights in “Accessible Digital Education”
DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites to a short survey, as part of the “Accessible Digital EDUcation (ADEDU)” European co-funded project, currently undergoing by the Research Group as the sole academic partner.
Specifically, the survey is addressed to educators and related professionals willing to contribute to the understanding of the challenges and requirements faced by them in addressing learning disabilities within educational methodologies.
Therefore, information will be collected about related experiences and perspectives of working with students affected by learning disabilities, such as the identification of specific learning disabilities, their impact on teaching practices, and the effectiveness of existing support systems.
The insights of the educators and training professionals will aid in comprehending the current educational landscape and in devising strategies to better support educators and students alike, and also enhance inclusive education practices.
Anonymity is guaranteed, and all responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
- Completing the survey is estimated to 10 minutes.
- The deadline for submitting your insights is Monday 20th May 2024.
- The survey is accessed through the following link.
- Any inquiries can be expressed by email at nikolakopoulou@iasismed.eu
ADEDU is a thirty-month project, implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from three (3) countries, namely: “All Digital” (Coordinator) and “European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)” (Belgium), “Media Education Centre-MEC” (Serbia), “IASIS” NGO and “DAISSy-HOU” (Greece). DAISSy-HOU is involved in all project activities and is responsible for the technical development of both the project’s website and the platform of ADEDU Course, as well as for the implementation of the Quality Assurance activities.
For more information on the ADEDU project and other projects and activities of the DAISSy-HOU:
- Websites : http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://ad-edu.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- X : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr
DAISSy Research Group of HOU invites Educators and Professionals in Education for their insights in “Accessible Digital Education”
DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites to a short survey, as part of the “Accessible Digital EDUcation (ADEDU)” European co-funded project, currently undergoing by the Research Group as the sole academic partner.
Specifically, the survey is addressed to educators and related professionals willing to contribute to the understanding of the challenges and requirements faced by them in addressing learning disabilities within educational methodologies.
Therefore, information will be collected about related experiences and perspectives of working with students affected by learning disabilities, such as the identification of specific learning disabilities, their impact on teaching practices, and the effectiveness of existing support systems.
The insights of the educators and training professionals will aid in comprehending the current educational landscape and in devising strategies to better support educators and students alike, and also enhance inclusive education practices.
Anonymity is guaranteed, and all responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
- Completing the survey is estimated to 10 minutes.
- The deadline for submitting your insights is Wednesday 15th May 2024.
- The survey is accessed through the following link.
- Any inquiries can be expressed by email at nikolakopoulou@iasismed.eu
ADEDU is a thirty-month project, implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from three (3) countries, namely: “All Digital” (Coordinator) and “European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)” (Belgium), “Media Education Centre-MEC” (Serbia), “IASIS” NGO and “DAISSy-HOU” (Greece). DAISSy-HOU is involved in all project activities and is responsible for the technical development of both the project’s website and the platform of ADEDU Course, as well as for the implementation of the Quality Assurance activities.
For more information on the ADEDU project and other projects and activities of the DAISSy-HOU:
- Websites : http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://ad-edu.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- X : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr
Call for participation in the 2nd Online Training Course and Mentoring Opportunities on the DigComp Framework, by DAISSy-HOU
The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites you to join the 2nd edition of the “Online Pilot Training Course and Mentoring Opportunities on the DigComp Framework”, which is part of the implementation of the “DigComp HUB” European project, currently undergoing by the DAISSy-HOU as the Greek partner and starts on Monday 29th April 2024.
More precisely, the training course is delivered as a MOOC and offers an excellent, publicly accessible opportunity to delve into the DigComp framework and its applications in adult education and beyond. The course begins with two introductory modules that cover the origins, features, and typical uses of the DigComp framework. Subsequent modules provide practical insights into how the DigComp framework can be effectively utilized in adult education. These include methods for identifying users’ training needs, curriculum development, didactic design, and the assessment and recognition of learning outcomes.
It is noteworthy that:
- The training course is provided free of charge, is delivered in English and it is open to all.
- It includes 12-14 hours of training that are self-managed by the participants (tutors are available on request).
- It starts on Monday 29th April 2024 and ends on Monday 27th May 2024.
- It is offered through the ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY platform and obtaining an account is necessary, by simply accessing the link: https://platform.alldigitalacademy.eu/registration/
- The registration to the course is available, by filling in the respective form, [here].
- A Certificate of Completion is provided to the participants, who complete the course successfully.
Furthermore, the training is accompanied by mentoring activities which will be implemented after the end of the course, in small groups managed by the project partners and regarding topics addressed within the course and based on the needs of the trainees. A related announcement will be discussed during the training, so that the objectives and content of the mentoring activities are clarified, as well as the way to take part in them. Those trainees who wish to be involved in this valuable, additional activity of the “DigComp HUB” project, provided also free of charge, may express their interest before the end of the course.
The “DigComp HUB” is a two-year project, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program. It is implemented by a consortium of four (4) partners from three (3) EU member states (Belgium, Greece, and Italy), with the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, as the Greek partner.
For more information about the DigComp HUB project and other activities of the DAISSy-HOU:
- Websites: http://daissy.eap.gr/en and https://www.digcomphub.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email: info@daissy.eap.gr
Πρόσκληση της DAISSy-ΕΑΠ για ενεργή συμμετοχή στην εκστρατεία ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 με αντικείμενο την ανάπτυξη ψηφιακών δεξιοτήτων
Με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας ενημερώνουμε ότι η Ερευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy του Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου (ΕΑΠ) είναι ο Εθνικός Συντονιστής της καμπάνιας ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 στην Ελλάδα. Σκοπός της πρωτοβουλίας είναι η προώθηση των ψηφιακών δεξιοτήτων για ένταξη, ενδυνάμωση και απασχόληση σε όλη την Ευρώπη. Συγκεκριμένα, η καμπάνια εξελίσσεται από τις 13 Μαΐου έως τις 31 Μαΐου 2024 και διοργανώνεται από το Ευρωπαϊκό δίκτυο ALL DIGITAL, αξιοποιώντας συναφή χρηματοδότηση από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, για το συντονισμό της ενημερωτικής εκστρατείας σε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.
Είναι αξιοσημείωτο, ότι το δίκτυο ALL DIGITAL (AD), με έδρα τις Βρυξέλλες, αντιπροσωπεύει οργανισμούς-μέλη, που εργάζονται για την ενίσχυση των ψηφιακών δεξιοτήτων στην Ευρώπη. Η DAISSy είναι δραστήριο μέλος του δικτύου ALL DIGITAL, και μέσω της υψηλής ποιότητας εργασίας της και των διεθνών συνεργασιών της, έχει επιτύχει την υλοποίηση πολυάριθμων ευρωπαϊκών ερευνητικών έργων, τα οποία παράγουν καινοτόμες μεθοδολογίες και εργαλεία σχετικά με την εκπαίδευση στη ψηφιακή εποχή.
Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, η Ερευνητική Ομάδα DAISSy του ΕΑΠ, ως Εθνικός Συντονιστής και μέλος του δικτύου AD, υποστηρίζει την εκστρατεία ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024, ενισχύοντας την προβολή και τη διάχυση συναφών καλών πρακτικών στην Ελλάδα. Ειδικότερα, η καμπάνια απευθύνεται σε σχολεία όλων των βαθμίδων, εκπαιδευτικούς οργανισμούς, παρόχους Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης (ΕΕΚ), κέντρα δια βίου μάθησης, βιβλιοθήκες, συλλογικότητες και οργανώσεις της κοινωνίας των πολιτών, κοινωνικές επιχειρήσεις καθώς και κάθε φορέα που ενδιαφέρεται ή/και εμπλέκεται στην οργάνωση δράσεων για την ψηφιακή ένταξη, την ενδυνάμωση και την απόκτηση ψηφιακών δεξιοτήτων.
- Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για την καμπάνια ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024, παρουσιάζονται στον ιστότοπο www.alldigitalweeks.eu
- Η συμμετοχή στην καμπάνια είναι δωρεάν και γίνεται μέσω εγγραφής, που είναι υποχρεωτική.
- Κάθε ενδιαφερόμενος φορέας που επιθυμεί να υλοποιήσει συναφή δράση, μπορεί να την εντάξει στην καμπάνια και να πετύχει τη μέγιστη δυνατή προβολή της. Αυτό είναι δυνατό, με την απλή καταγραφή των στοιχείων της εκδήλωσης στον ειδικό «χάρτη».
- Είναι σημαντικό, ο φορέας που πρόκειται να διοργανώσει δράση, αφού την ενσωματώσει στο χάρτη, να ενημερώσει την DAISSy-EAΠ, στέλνοντας μήνυμα στο info@daissy.eap.gr. Με αυτό τον τρόπο, η DAISSy ως Εθνικός Συντονιστής, θα ενισχύσει την προβολή της δράσης, μέσω των δικών της διαύλων επικοινωνίας και δικτύου επαφών
Μείνετε συντονισμένοι/συντονισμένες και ενημερωθείτε για την πορεία εξέλιξης της ενημερωτικής εκστρατείας ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024, σε εθνικό και ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις δράσεις και τα έργα της DAISSy-ΕΑΠ:
- Website : http://daissy.eap.gr/en
- Facebook : @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram : @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr.
DAISSy-HOU participated at the final Transnational Partners’ Meeting and the Experts’ Validation Workshop marking the closing phase of the CLIP project
The DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (HOU) participated at the final Transnational Partners’ Meeting (TPM) of the “Critical visual media literacy and empowerment (CLIP)” European project, that was organized on 21st and 22nd March 2024, by the project partner ALL DIGITAL, in Brussels, Belgium. DAISSy-HOU was represented at the TPM by Achilles Kameas, Professor at HOU and Director of DAISSy, and Eleni Georgakakou, Senior Project Manager and Researcher of DAISSy-HOU.
The final TPM provided a favorable basis for the discussion on the key results developed by the CLIP consortium, namely the report on the Visual Literacy in Media in Europe and the Micro-learning Course in critical visual media literacy and fluency. The partners also discussed and enriched the Guidelines and Recommendations elaborated to support academic staff, staff and educators in developing sustainable strategies to embed visual media literacy in their learning offers and the engagement with like-minded professionals on the topics of Visual Media Literacy, teaching programs, and training.
Furthermore, the Validation workshop on Expert Consultation on Visual Media Literacy in Education, was perfectly linked to the TPM, marking the closing phase of the CLIP project. It was organized onsite during the first day of the TPM on March 21st in the offices of Puglia region in Brussels, and replicated online via zoom, on 28th March 2024. The DAISSy Research Group of HOU participated in both versions of the workshop, which were attended by academic staff interested in Visual Media Literacy, experts, policy-makers and stakeholders from Higher Education, schools, NGOs, academic networks, and anyone interested in exploring the opportunities Visual Media Literacy can offer. The workshop included presentations on the key CLIP deliverables, including of the CLIP Course delivered by Ms Eleni Georgakakou from DAISSy-HOU, and emphasized on the Guidelines and Recommendations, followed by a set of roundtables, dedicated to discussion among experts on the main features of this Deliverable/ tool.
CLIP was an eighteen-month (18) project co-funded by the ERASMUS+/KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education Programme of the European Union. It was coordinated by the UNIMED – Unione Delle Universita Del Mediterraneo (Italy) with Libera Universita Di Lingue e Comunicazione (Italy), ALL DIGITAL (Belgium) and Hellenic Open University –DAISSy Research Group (Greece) as partners. The partners implemented all foreseen activities and delivered all scheduled Deliverables successfully, providing valuable experience, new knowledge and innovative tools in the visual media literacy theme.
DAISSy-HOU was thoroughly involved in all project Deliverables, being in charge of the CLIP activities in Greece, as well as leading the development of the CLIP online educational platform and the Online Course on “Critical Visual Media Literacy and Fluency”.
For more information on the CLIP project, and other projects and activities of DAISSy-HOU:
- Website : http://daissy.eap.gr/en, https://clipproject.eu/
- Facebook: @DAISSyResearchGroup
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daissyresearchgroup/
- X : https://twitter.com/daissy_research
- Instagram: @daissy_researchgroup
- Email : info@daissy.eap.gr