News & Events


DAISSy-HOU actively participated in the 4th Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the “NEFELE” EU Project in Maastricht (Netherlands)

On 19th and 20th September 2023, the “European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU)” hosted the fourth Transnational Partners’ Meeting (TPM) of the “NEFELE-NEET prevention in Educational systems through positive Future vision Enhancing Learning and teacher Education” EU project, that took place in Maastricht (Netherlands).

The TPM was attended in presence by representatives of the partners i.e. the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, (SUPSI) and SMARTED (SM).

The NEFELE project aims at modelling innovative methodologies for middle school pre-service teachers that can support adolescents’ career construction and a positive vision of the future. Specifically, NEFELE provides curricular frameworks based on career development and positive psychology through tools (such as Massive Open Online Course-MOOC, digital game and OER Shared Platform), in order to orient teachers’ supportive behaviours.

On the first TPM day, the sessions started by focusing on the state of the art and open issues of the NEFELE MOOC. Specifically, the partnership discussed the certification process of the MOOC, which is developed under the responsibility of the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek project partner. DAISSy-HOU participated in the TPM and was represented by Achilles Kameas, HOU Professor, Director of DAISSy, Vasiliki Takouli, Project Manager and Administrator of DAISSy, as well as Rizos Chaliabalias, Senior researcher of DAISSy.

Emphasis was put to the presentation of the final version of the MOOC, delivered by Vasiliki Takouli, who explained in detail its content, the way of operation and the benefits for the trainees and the tutors. More precisely, the MOOC units cover the following topics: current threats and challenges of the labour market, competences needed for career transitions, career development and the role of teachers in students’ career transition, positive psychology and the use of technologies and tangible user interfaces in the educational context.


Then, the SMARTED project partner presented the gamification approach of the NEFELE game and explained the steps for creating scenarios and the game to be useful in the classroom to enhance adolescent career exploration.

On the second TPM day, the meeting focused on the NEFELE OERs (Open Educational Resources) shared platform, the project deliverable scheduled in these months. The main idea is to create a WebApp on career guidance to promote career decisions in students and help other people (teachers, parents, career practitioners) find helpful information on career paths, to support adolescents.

NEFELE is a thirty-month (1st December 2021-31st May 2024) project, funded by the Erasmus+ EU program, implemented by a consortium of six (6) partners from five (5) countries (Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Greece) with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, being the Greek partner.

For more information on the NEFELE project and other activities of DAISSy:


DAISSy-HOU coordinated the Training of Trainers Workshop of the “LEARN.INC” EU Project, in Patras (Greece)

On 6th ,7th and 8th September 2023, the DAISSy Reasearch Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) coordinated the Training of Trainers Workshop (Tot) of the “Learn.Inc-Learning Incubator for Project-based Teaching and Training through Research” EU project, that took place in Patras (Greece) and was supported by all project partners.

In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, equipping educators with innovative teaching techniques and digital readiness is essential. The LEARN.INC project is committed to empowering educators with innovative teaching techniques, digital readiness, and transversal skills development. In the wake of this idea, a Training of Trainers workshop was implemented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) in Patras (Greece), which highlighted the significant benefits for participants and the broader community.

During the workshop, educators representing the LEARN.INC partners, i.e. Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania), Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Research & Training Point Foundation from (Bulgaria), Hellenic Open University (Greece) and Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey), who were exposed to a range of innovative pedagogical techniques, allowing them to create more engaging and interactive learning experiences. These insights, coupled with a focus on digital readiness, equipped educators with the skills and tools necessary to effectively leverage digital technologies in their teaching practices.

One of the workshop’s key emphases regarded the development of transversal skills, including problem-solving and critical thinking. Trainees were encouraged to explore challenge-based research and practice, enhancing their own skills while gaining valuable tools to help their students excel in an ever-changing job market.

Moreover, the workshop fostered networking and collaboration among participants from diverse backgrounds. This networking not only facilitated knowledge sharing but also opened doors for future partnerships, further enriching the educational ecosystem.


Beyond these strengths acquired by the participants, the impact of such initiatives extends to communities and stakeholders. The enhancement of education quality through well-prepared graduates benefits local communities by producing individuals better equipped to meet the demands of the modern job market. Communities also benefit from the potential for dynamic community programs and initiatives that result from engaging with educators exposed to innovative teaching methods and digital tools.

In essence, the LEARN.INC Train of Trainers workshop serves as a beacon of hope for education communities. It emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development for educators and ensures that they remain at the forefront of innovation in education. As the world evolves, so must our teaching methods and approaches, and workshops like this play a pivotal role in making that a reality.

The three-day Tot involved ten (10) partner representatives on-site as well as six (6) additional representative on-line, so that all project partners take part.

The LEARN.INC is a three-year project, co-funded by the European Union, under the Erasmus+ Programme. It is implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from four (4) countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey) with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU being the Greek partner.

For more information on the Learn.Inc project and other activities of DAISSy:



DAISSy at the 2nd Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the european project: “Equality, Diversity, Inclusion For improving the qualitY of Management EDUcation, training and professions“

The “Equality, Diversity, Inclusion For improving the qualitY of Management EDUcation, training and professions, EDIFY_EDU“ is a three-year project (01.09.2022–31.08.2025) co-funded by the European Union (EU). It is implemented by twelve (12) partners in six (6) EU member states, which are, in A/Z order: Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland (Coordinator) and Italy, and three Associated Partners in Belgium, Germany and Italy.

The 2nd Transnational Partners’ Meeting (TPM) of the EDIFY-EDU project, was hosted on the 12th-14th September 2023, by AALTO University in Finland, and it provided a favorable opportunity for the partners to exchange on the progress of the deliverables, check the sharing of the tasks and agree on the next steps of the project implementation.

The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, the Greek academic partner, actively participated at the TPM represented by Ms Eleni Georgakakou, Senior Project Manager, who delivered a detailed presentation on the EDIFY-EDU upcoming E-learning platform, for which DAISSy serves as the Leader partner on its design, implementation, maintenance and evaluation. The presentation emphasized on the platform’s structure and main elements by drawing attention to specific sections such as the, online learning space, resources and materials formats, “co-working space” dedicated to foster cooperation between participants, as well as the “consultation room” encouraging the communication between the trainers and the tutors/ mentors.



The TPM was completed by agreeing on the next steps and confirming the upcoming deadlines linked with the respective deliverables and the roles of all the partners.

Stay tuned and find out more about the EDIFY_EDU project and other activities of the DAISSy Research Group at:


The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU invites to the Multiplier Event of Good Practices on the “Innovative Agile Teaching and Learning approaches, for Primary & Secondary Education Teachers” of the “Agile2Learn” project

logo-agile2learnThe Hellenic Open University and the DAISSy Research Group invite to the multiplier event on “Innovative Agile Teaching and Learning Approaches, for Primary & Secondary Education Teachers“, which takes place on-site on 22nd Friday 2023, at 18.00-20.00 (EEST), at “My Way” hotel, Patras (Greece). The action concerns the completion of the “Innovative Agile Project-based Learning (Agile2Learn)” European project, and it is organized in collaboration with the Regional Center for Educational Planning (PEKES) of Western Greece.

The event aims, among other things, at promoting the good practices resulting from the participation of teachers of Primary and Secondary Education Schools in the Agile2Learn project, during the school year of 2022-2023.

The first part of the multiplier event includes brief speeches on the activities of the DAISSy-HOU as well as on the content of the Agile2Learn EU project. Then, short presentations (of 5′-7′ minutes) are scheduled on-site and/or online, to be delivered both by the teachers who participated in the Agile2Learn training program and/or those who applied the project educational tools in their class, and by the teachers who attended and successfully completed the “Teachers’ Short Training Program – Advancing Agile Learning Competences”, which was implemented by the HOU in collaboration with the PEKES of Western Greece.

Successively, there will be short speeches regarding related projects of DAISSy-HOU, whose interconnection with Agile2Learn leads to multiple results.

During the last part of the event, a Certificate of Completion of the implementation of the Agile2Learn will be awarded to each teacher, who participated in the project.

More precisely, regarding the multiplier event for the dissemination of the Agile2Learn good practices:

  • Participation in the event is free of charge and open to the public.
  • The detailed agenda accompanies this invitation.
  • Online participation is possible through the electronic zoom platform.

The Agile2Learn project was co-funded by the European Union, within the Erasmus+ Program. It was a two-year project that was implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners from four (4) countries (EPMA – Agentura pro Evroske Projecty & Management Sdruzeni (Czech), UTH – University of Thessaly (Greece), HOU – Hellenic Open University (Greece), Consorzio Ro.Ma. (Italy) and Helliwood – Forderverein fur Jugend und Sozialarbeit e.V. (Germany), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, as one of the two Greek partners.

For more information about the Agile2Learn project and other activities of DAISSy:


DAISSy Research Group of HOU invites you to the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2023

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, an active member of the ALL DIGITAL network in Greece, invites you to join the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2023. The event will take place on September 25-27 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia, with a number of sessions also available online. For more information and to register: Deadline for online participants’ registration: 21.09.23

The event is entitled “Skills for Digital Tomorrow” and deals with topics around the field of digital skills in various sectors such as culture, innovation and education. ALL DIGITAL Summit 2023 is targeted to policymakers, local authorities, academics, experts, education and training organizations and any person interested in the digital skills for shaping a better digital tomorrow.

A detailed description of the event’s content is available on the website and includes the list of confirmed speakers and the programme of works.

The DAISSy Research Group of HOU has been an active member of the ALL DIGITAL international network for years, with its Director, Ms. Achilles Kameas, participating in its Board of Directors and in the organization of the event itself. DAISSy will play an active role in the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2023, with speeches, workshops and participation in the international marketplace.

Stay tuned and find out more about the activities of DAISSy:


DAISSy Research Group at the International Seminar “Skills for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion – Requirements for a fairer, more diverse and inclusive labour market”

edify-edu-logoThe International Seminar on “Skills for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion- Requirements for a fairer, more diverse and inclusive labour market”, which was organized in a hybrid mode on September, 13th, 2023 (13.00-15.30, EEST) in Espoo (Finland) by Aalto University, within the framework of the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion For improving the qualitY of Management EDUcation, training and professions (EDIFY-EDU)” european project, triggered the interest of experts and practitioners, representatives of authorities, institutions, business and academia, active citizens, and more generally stakeholders interested in the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) principles and their application in the labor market.

The Seminar included guest experts’ speeches, panel discussions and video presentations, which addressed not only the skills gap in the Business Management education regarding competencies on workplace in EDI, but also collected valuable inputs from the experts to be integrated into the content of the EDIFY-EDU training program to follow. Through a vivid exchange on the observations from the project’s research in five partner-countries (DE, FIN, GR, IR, IT), it achieved its target on leading the way for next actions towards a fairer, more diverse and inclusive labour market.

The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), the Greek Academic partner of the EDIFY-EDU project, supported the organization of the Seminar, and it was represented in person in the event by its members, Ms. Eleni Georgakakou, Senior Project Manager & Researcher, and Mr. Kostas Mantzos, Researcher. Mr. Mantzos also participated in a Panel Discussion and emphasized on the main findings of the national report on the skills gap in the business management education regarding the EDI competencies at the workplace in Greece.

edify-post-1 edify-post-2

Stay tuned and find out more about the EDIFY_EDU project and other activities of the DAISSy Research Group at:


DAISSy-HOU announes an extended deadline for registering to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on financial literacy in the digital age for young people and youth workers

youth-l-logoThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) announces an exdended deadline for registering to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) financed by the “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” European project, in order to increase financial literacy through innovative, easily accessible and understandable non-formal education methodologies as well as practical activities.

The respective MOOC has been developed under the responsibility of DAISSy-HOU, is open to all and includes educational material, presentations, relevant informative material, practical manuals, as well as self-assessment questions. Specifically:

It is free of charge and is provided in English, through the online educational platform of the project, developed by DAISSy-HOU.

Participants who successfully complete the MOOC, receive a Certificate of completion.

It has a total duration of 21 hours and includes six (6) thematic units, as follows:

  • Section 2. BUDGETING
  • Section 3. FUNDING
  • Section 4. INVESTMENTS
  • Section 5. TAXATION

It requires the expression of interest by submitting the respective form until (new deadline) Monday 25th September 2023.

The “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ European program and aiming to enhance the professional employment of young people, supporting them in acquiring financial knowledge and developing skills for a smoother integration into the labour market. It is implemented by a consortium of five (5) partners representing five (5) European countries (Greece, Belgium, Spain, Poland, and Georgia), with the DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, as the Greek partner.

For more information about the Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy project, as well as other actions of the DAISSy-HOU:


Call for registration to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on financial literacy in the digital age for young people and youth workers of the “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” EU project by DAISSy-HOU

youth-l-logoThe DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites young people and youth workers to participate in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) financed by the “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” European project, in order to increase financial literacy through innovative, easily accessible and understandable non-formal education methodologies as well as practical activities.

It is true, that financial literacy ensures access, development and empowerment on themes of economic aspects. However, it is not always, a topic provided successfully, by official educational institutions. This is the reason why, within the framework of the above European project and under the responsibility of DAISSy-HOU, the respective MOOC was developed, which is open to all and includes educational material, presentations, relevant informative material, practical manuals, as well as self-assessment questions.

Specifically, the MOOC of the “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” project:

It is free of charge and is provided in English, through the online educational platform of the project, developed by DAISSy-HOU.

It starts on Monday 25th September 2023, and has a total duration of 21 hours.

Participants who successfully complete the MOOC, receive a Certificate of completion.

It includes six (6) thematic units, as follows:

  • Section 2. BUDGETING
  • Section 3. FUNDING
  • Section 4. INVESTMENTS
  • Section 5. TAXATION

It requires the expression of interest by submitting the respective form [here:] until (deadline) Wednesday 20th September 2023.

The “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ European program. Its main objective is to enhance the professional employment of young people, supporting them in acquiring financial knowledge and developing skills for a smoother integration into the labour market.

In particular, strengthening young people’s entrepreneurial capacities will help them meet everyday life challenges as workers/employees or as self-employed.

The project is implemented by a consortium of five (5)  partners representing five (5) European countries (Greece, Belgium, Spain, Poland, and Georgia). The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, the Greek partner, is involved in all project deliverables and is responsible for the development and operation of the project’s learning platform and the development of its educational program.

For more information about the “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” project, as well as other actions of the DAISSy Research Group:


Invitation to the online info session of the “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” project organized by DAISSy Research Group of the HOU (13.9.2023, 18.00-19.30 EEST)

youth-l-logoThe Hellenic Open University (HOU) and the DAISSy Research Group invite you to the info session of the “Empowering young people through financial literacy” Erasmus+ project, which takes place online on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, through the electronic Zoom platform  (18:00-19.30 EEST).

The event aims to present the content of the “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” European project, implemented by DAISSy Research Group of the HOU as the Greek partner, emphasizing on the analysis of the innovative tools developed so far, within its framework.

It is true, that financial literacy ensures access, development and empowerment on themes of economic aspects. However, it is not always, a topic provided successfully, by official educational institutions.

This is the reason why, a main action of the European project is the development of a respective Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), implemented under the responsibility of the DAISSy-HOU. Specifically, the course is structured in six modules and includes training material, presentations, practical manuals, and self-assessment questions.

Therefore, the first part of the info session includes presentations of the project’s tools (the MOOC included), while the second part is dedicated to group discussions with educators and youth counsellors regarding their needs and the way of using the tools of the project.

  • The event is open to the public and is mainly addressed to educators and youth counsellors on issues in the wider field of economics.
  • It is held in Greek.
  • Registration is free of charge and is done simply by filling in the respective online expression of interest form, using the following link.
  • Participation takes place through the electronic zoom platform, using the following link.
  • The agenda is attached here.

The “Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy” is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ European program.

Its main objective is to enhance the professional employment of young people, supporting them in acquiring financial knowledge and developing skills for a smoother integration into the labour market. In particular, strengthening young people’s entrepreneurial capacities will help them meet everyday life challenges as workers/employees or as self-employed.

The project is implemented by a consortium of five (5)  partners representing five (5) European countries (Greece, Belgium, Spain, Poland, and Georgia). The DAISSy Research Group of the HOU, the Greek partner, is involved in all project deliverables and is responsible for the development and operation of the project’s learning platform and the development of its educational program.

For more information about the Empowering the youth through Financial Literacy project, as well as other actions of the DAISSy-HOU:


International Seminar Invitation (hybrid) “Skills for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion- Requirements for a fairer, more diverse and inclusive labour market”

September, 13th, 2023 (13.00-15.30, EEST)

 The DAISSy Reseacrh Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) invites you to the International, hybrid Seminar on, “Skills for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion- Requirements for a fairer, more diverse and inclusive labour market”, which  is taking place on September, 13th, 2023 (13.00-15.30, EEST) in Espoo (Finland) and will also by streamed online. The Seminar is organized by Aalto University in the framework of the european project Equality, Diversity, Inclusion For improving the qualitY of Management EDUcation, training and professions (EDIFY-EDU).

The Seminar aims at, presenting and validating the results of the EDIFY-EDU research about the skills gap in the Business Management education regarding competencies on workplace in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), as well as, collecting valuable inputs from external experts to be integrated into the content of the EDIFY-EDU training program and also increasing awareness on EDI principles and project results so far.




The Seminar is:

  • Open for all interested in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in business management, education and training
  • Provided free of charge and in a hybrid mode in English.
  • The registration is open and can be done simply, by filling in the respective form, i.e.

The DAISSy Research Group, the Greek Academic partner of the EDIFY-EDU project, is actively involved in the International Seminar by supporting its organization. Furthermore, it will be represented in person in the Seminar by its members, Ms. Eleni Georgakakou, Senior Project Manager & Researcher, and Mr. Kostas Mantzos, Researcher, who participate in the Panel Discussion about the “Differences on EDI competences” in the project’s participating european countries.

The EDIFY_EDU is a three-year project (01.09.2022–31.08.2025) co-funded by the ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant of the European Union (EU). It is implemented by twelve (12) partners in five (5) EU member states, that is, in A/Z order: Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland and Italy, and three Associated Partners in Belgium, Germany and Italy.

Stay tuned and find out more about the EDIFY_EDU project and other activities of the DAISSy Research Group at: